Docker Logging Webinar – Video and Slides

Docker Logging has been a very popular topic of late in our internal and external discussions.  So much so that we decided to hold webinars on the topic (and Docker Monitoring as well) and now we’re making them available to everyone.

The webinars were presented by Sematext’s DevOps Evangelist, Stefan Thies.  Stefan discussed Docker logging basics, including: the different log collection options Docker users have; the pros and cons of each option; specific and existing Docker logging solutions; log shipping to ELK Stack; and more.

Here is the video recording:

And here are the slides:

Docker Logging Resources:

Start Managing Docker Logs Now (Monitoring, too!)

Once you’ve checked out some of the Docker content sign up for a free 30-day trial (no credit card required) of Logsene or request a demo to see how easy it is to get up and running.

There’s a good chance you will also like SPM, our performance monitoring solution, that, like Logsene, offers alerting and anomaly detection on top of all the other benefits.  We’re even offering a 20% discount on SPM and Logsene to webinar viewers.  Just use these codes when creating new SPM and Logsene apps:

  • SPM: 201509WNR20S
  • Logsene: 201509WNR20L

Docker Monitoring Webinar & Slides

Speaking of metrics…for those of you with an interest in Docker Monitoring, we held a webinar on that subject as well. Click here to access the webinar video recording and slides.

Questions or Feedback?

If any questions have come up since the webinar, or if you have some feedback for us, please contact us by email or hit us on Twitter.

Docker Monitoring Webinar – Video and Slides

The recent Docker Monitoring webinar is ready for consuming!  Our DevOps Evangelist, Stefan Thies, took attendees on a tour of Docker monitoring basics, including a number of different Docker monitoring options and their pros and cons, solutions for Docker monitoring, and a brief Q&A session.

If you use Docker you know that these deployments can be very dynamic, not to mention all the ways there are to monitor Docker containers, collect logs from them, etc. etc.  And if you didn’t know these things, well, you’ve come to the right place!

Here is the video recording:

And here are the slides:

Docker Monitoring Tools and Resources

Once you’ve checked out some of the Docker content sign up for a free 30-day trial (no credit card required) of SPM for Docker or request a demo to see how easy it is to get up and running.

There’s a good chance you will also like Logsene, our centralized logging solution that, like SPM, offers alerting and anomaly detection on top of all the other benefits.  We’re even offering a 20% discount on SPM and Logsene to webinar viewers.  Just use these codes when creating new SPM or Logsene apps:

  • SPM: 201509WNR20S
  • Logsene: 201509WNR20L

Docker Logging Webinar & Slides

Speaking of logs…for those of you with an interest in Docker Logging, we held a webinar on that subject as well.  Click here to access the webinar video recording and slides.

Questions or Feedback?

If any questions have come up since the webinar, or if you have some feedback for us, please contact us by email or hit us on Twitter.

Docker Monitoring Webinar on October 6

[ Note: Click here for the Docker Monitoring webinar video recording and slides. And click here for the Docker Logging webinar video recording and slides. ]


Good news for Docker fans: we’re running a third Docker Monitoring webinar on Tuesday, October 6 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time / 11:00 am Pacific Time.

If you use Docker you know that these deployments can be very dynamic, not to mention all the ways there are to monitor Docker containers, collect logs from them, etc. etc.  And if you didn’t know these things, well, you’ve come to the right place!

Sematext has been on the forefront of Docker monitoring, along with Docker event collection, charting, and correlation.  The same goes for CoreOS monitoring and CoreOS centralized log management.  So it’s only natural that we’d like to share our experiences and how-to knowledge with the growing Docker and container community.  During the webinar we’ll go through a number of different Docker monitoring options, point out their pros and cons, and offer solutions for Docker monitoring.

The webinar will be presented by Stefan Thies, our DevOps Evangelist, deeply involved in Sematext’s activities around monitoring and logging in Docker and CoreOS.  A post-webinar Q&A will take place — in addition to the encouraged attendee interaction during the webinar.


Tuesday, October 6 @ 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Eastern Time / 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Pacific Time.


“Show, Don’t Tell”

The infographic below will give you a good idea of what Stefan will be showing and discussing in the webinar.


Got Questions, or topics you’d like Stefan to address?

Leave a comment, ping @sematext or send us an email — we’ll all ears.

Whether you’re using Docker or not, we hope you join us for the webinar.  Docker is hot — let us help you take advantage of it!

Webinar: Docker Logging

[ Note: Click here for the Docker Monitoring webinar video recording and slides. And click here for the Docker Logging webinar video recording and slides. ]


If you use Docker you know that these deployments can be very dynamic, not to mention all the ways there are to monitor Docker containers and their hosts, collect logs from them, etc. etc.  And if you didn’t know these things, well, you’ve come to the right place!

With this pair of identical webinars, we’re going to focus on Docker logging.  Specifically — the different log collection options Docker users have, the pros and cons of each, specific and existing Docker logging solutions, tooling, the role of syslog, log shipping to ELK Stack, and more.  Docker, and with it projects like CoreOS and RancherOS, are growing rapidly, and here at Sematext we’re at the front of the bandwagon when it comes to adding support for Docker monitoring and logging, along with Docker event collection, charting, and correlation.  The same goes for CoreOS monitoring and centralized CoreOS log management, too!

[Note: We’re also holding a Docker Monitoring webinar on October 6]

The webinar will be presented by Stefan Thies, our DevOps Evangelist, deeply involved in Sematext’s activities around monitoring and logging in Docker and CoreOS.  A post-webinar Q&A will take place — in addition to the encouraged attendee interaction during the webinar.


We’re holding two identical sessions to accommodate attendees on different continents.

Register_Now_2                        Register_Now_2

September 29                                  September 30


“Show, Don’t Tell”

The infographic below will give you a good idea of what Stefan will be showing and discussing in the webinar.


Got Questions, or Docker Logging topics you’d like Stefan to address?

Leave a comment, ping @sematext or send us an email — we’re all ears.

Whether you’re using Docker or not, we hope you join us on one of the webinars.  Docker is hot — let us help you take advantage of it!

Webinar: Docker Monitoring

[ Note: Click here for the Docker Monitoring webinar video recording and slides. And click here for the Docker Logging webinar video recording and slides. ]


There are many ways to skin a cat.

If you use Docker you know that these deployments can be very dynamic, not to mention all the ways there are to monitor Docker containers, collect logs from them, etc. etc.  And if you didn’t know these things, well, you’ve come to the right place!

Sematext has been on the forefront of Docker monitoring, along with Docker event collection, charting, and correlation.  The same goes for CoreOS monitoring and CoreOS centralized log management.  So it’s only natural that we’d like to share our experiences and how-to knowledge with the growing Docker and container community.  We’re holding a couple webinars in September to go through a number of different Docker monitoring options, point out their pros and cons, and offer solutions for Docker monitoring.

[Note: We’re also holding webinars on Docker Logging on September 29 and 30.]

The webinar will be presented by Stefan Thies, our DevOps Evangelist, deeply involved in Sematext’s activities around monitoring and logging in Docker and CoreOS.  A post-webinar Q&A will take place — in addition to the encouraged attendee interaction during the webinar.


We’re holding two identical sessions to accommodate attendees on different continents.

Register_Now_2                        Register_Now_2

September 15                                  September 16


“Show, Don’t Tell”

The infographic below will give you a good idea of what Stefan will be showing and discussing in the webinar.


Got Questions, or topics you’d like Stefan to address?

Leave a comment, ping @sematext, or send us email – we’re all ears.

Whether you’re using Docker or not, we hope you join us on one of the webinars.  Docker is hot — let us help you take advantage of it!