Mahout Digest, October 2010

We’ve been very busy here at Sematext, so we haven’t covered Mahout during the last few months.  We are pleased with what’s been keeping us busy, but are not happy about our irregular Mahout Digests.  We had covered the last (0.3) release with all of its features and we are not going to miss covering very important milestone for Mahout: release 0.4 is out! In this digest we’ll summarize the most important changes in Mahout from the last digest and add some perspective.

Before we dive into Mahout, please note that we are looking for people with Machine Learning skills and Mahout experience (as well as good Lucene/Solr search people).  See our Hiring Search and Data Analytics Engineers post.

This Mahout release brings overall changes regarding model refactoring and command line interface to Mahout aimed at improving integration and consistency (easier access to Mahout operations via the command line). The command line interface is pretty much standardized for working with all the various options now, which makes it easier to run and use. Interfaces are better and more consistent across algorithms and there have been many small fixes, improvements, refactorings, and clean-ups. Details on what’s included can be found in the release notes and download is available from the Apache Mirrors.

Now let’s add some context to various changes and new features.

GSoC projects

Mahout completed its Google Summer of Code  projects and two completed successfully:

  • EigenCuts spectral clustering implementation on Map-Reduce for Apache Mahout (addresses issue MAHOUT-328), proposal and implementation details can be found in MAHOUT-363
  • Hidden Markov Models based sequence classification (proposal for a summer-term university project), proposal and implementation details in  MAHOUT-396

Two projects did not complete due to lack of student participation and one remains in progress.


The biggest addition in clustering department are EigenCuts clustering algorithm (project from GSoC) and MinHash based clustering which we covered as one of possible GSoC suggestions in one of previous digests . MinHash clustering was implemented, but not as a GSoC project. In the first digest from the Mahout series we covered problems related to evaluation of clustering results (unsupervised learning issue), so big addition to Mahout’s clustering are Cluster Evaluation Tools featuring new ClusterEvaluator (uses Mahout In Action code for inter-cluster density and similar code for intra-cluster density over a set of representative points, not the entire clustered data set) and CDbwEvaluator which offers new ways to evaluate clustering effectiveness.

Logistic Regression

Online learning capabilities such as Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithm implementation are now part of Mahout. Logistic regression is a model used for prediction of the probability of occurrence of an event. It makes use of several predictor variables that may be either numerical or categories. For example, the probability that a person has a heart attack within a specified time period might be predicted from knowledge of the person’s age, sex and body mass index. Logistic regression is used extensively in the medical and social sciences as well as marketing applications such as prediction of a customer’s propensity to purchase a product or cease a subscription. The Mahout implementation uses Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), check more on initial request and development in MAHOUT-228. New sequential logistic regression training framework supports feature vector encoding framework for high speed vectorization without a pre-built dictionary. You can find more details on Mahout’s logistic regression wiki page.


There has been a lot of cleanup done in the math module (you can check details in Cleanup Math discussion on ML), lot’s of it related to an untested Colt framework integration (and deprecated code in Colt framework). The discussion resulted in several pieces of Colt framework getting promoted to a tested status (QRdecomposition, in particular)


In addition to speedups and bug fixes, main new features in classification are new classifiers (new classification algorithms) and more open/uniformed input data formats (vectors). Most important changes are:

  • New SGD classifier
  • Experimental new type of Naive bayes classifier (using vectors) and feature reduction options for existing Naive bayes classifier (variable length coding of vectors)
  • New VectorModelClassifier allows any set of clusters to be used for classification (clustering as input for classification)
  • Now random forest can be saved and used to classify new data. Read more on how to build a random forest and how to use it to classify new cases on this dedicated wiki page.

Recommendation Engine

The most important changes in this area are related to distributed similarity computations which can be used in Collaborative Filtering (or other areas like clustering, for example). Implementation of Map-Reduce job, based on algorithm suggested in Elsayed et al: Pairwise Document Similarity in Large Collections with MapReduce, which computes item-item similarities for item-based Collaborative Filtering can be found in MAHOUT-362. Generalization of algorithm based on the mailing list discussion led to an implementation of  Map-Reduce job which computes pairwise similarities of the rows of a matrix using a customizable similarity measure (with implementations already provided for Cooccurrence, Euclidean Distance, Loglikelihood, Pearson Correlation, Tanimoto coefficient, Cosine). More on distributed version of any item similarity function (which was available in a non-distributed implementation before) can be found in MAHOUT-393. With pairwise similarity computation defined, RecommenderJob has been evolved to a fully distributed item-based recommender (implementation depends on how the pairwise similarities are computed). You can read more on distributed item-based recommender in MAHOUT-420.

Implementation of distributed operations on very large matrices are very important for a scalable machine learning library which supports large data sets. For example, when term vector is built from textual document/content, terms vectors tend to have high dimension. Now,  if we consider a term-document matrix where each row represents terms from document(s), while a column represents a document we obviously end up with high dimensional matrix. Same/similar thing occurs in Collaborative Filtering: it uses a user-item matrix containing ratings for matrix values, row corresponds to a user and each column represents an item. Again we have large dimension matrix that is sparse.

Now, in both cases (term-document matrix and user-item matrix) we are dealing with high matrix dimensionality which needs to be reduced, but most of information needs to be preserved (in best way possible). Obviously we need to have some sort of matrix operation which will provide lower dimension matrix with important information preserved. For example, large dimensional matrix may be approximated to lower dimensions using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).

It’s obvious that we need some (java) matrix framework capable of fundamental matrix decompositions. JAMA is a great example of widely used linear algebra package for matrix operations, capable of SVD and other fundamental matrix decompositions (WEKA for example uses JAMA for matrix operations). Operations on highly dimensional matrices always require heavy computation and this requirements produces high HW requirements on any ML production system. This is where Mahout, which features distributed operations on large matrices, should be the production choice for Machine Learning algorithms over frameworks like JAMA, which although great, can not distribute its operations.

In typical recommendation setup users often ‘have’ (used/interacted with) only a few items from the whole item set (item set can be very large) which leads to user-item matrices being sparse matrices. Mahout’s (0.4) distributed Lanczos SVD implementation is particularly useful for finding decompositions of very large sparse matrices.

News and Roadmap

All of the new distributed similarity/recommender implementations we analyzed in previous paragraph were contributed by Sebastian Schelter and as a recognition for this important work he was elected as a new Mahout committer.

The book “Mahout in Action”, published by Manning, has reached 15/16 chapters complete and will soon enter final review.

This is all from us for now.  Any comments/questions/suggestions are more than welcome and until next Mahout digest keep an eye on Mahout’s road map for 0.5 or discussion about what is Mahout missing to become production stabile (1.0) framework.  We’ll see you next month – @sematext.