Docker Events and Docker Metrics Monitoring

[ Note: Click here for the Docker Monitoring webinar video recording and slides. And click here for the Docker Logging webinar video recording and slides. ]


Docker deployments can be very dynamic with containers being started and stopped, moved around the YARN or Mesos-managed clusters, having very short life spans (the so-called pets) or long uptimes (aka cattle).  Getting insight into the current and historical state of such clusters goes beyond collecting container performance metrics and sending alert notifications.  If a container dies or gets paused, for example, you may want to know about it, right?  Or maybe you’d want to be able to see that a container went belly up in retrospect when troubleshooting, wouldn’t you?

Just two weeks ago we added Docker Monitoring (docker image is right here for your pulling pleasure) to SPM.  We didn’t stop there — we’ve now expanded SPM’s Docker support by adding Docker Event collection, charting, and correlation.  Every time a container is created or destroyed, started, stopped, or when it dies, spm-agent-docker captures the appropriate event so you can later see what happened where and when, correlate it with metrics, alerts, anomalies — all of which are captured in SPM — or with any other information you have at your disposal.  The functionality and the value this brings should be pretty obvious from the annotated screenshot below.

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Here’s the list of Docker events SPM Docker monitoring agent currently captures:

  • Version Information on Startup:
    • server-info – created by spm-agent framework with node.js and OS version info on startup
    • docker-info – Docker Version, API Version, Kernel Version on startup
  • Docker Status Events:
    • Container Lifecycle Events like
      • create, exec_create, destroy, export
    • Container Runtime Events like
      • die, exec_start, kill, oom, pause, restart, start, stop, unpause

Every time a Docker container emits one of these events spm-agent-docker will capture it in real-time, ship it over to SPM, and you’ll be able to see it as shown in the above screenshot.

Oh, and if you’re running CoreOS, you may also want to see how to index CoreOS logs into ELK/Logsene. Why? Because then you can have not only metrics and container events in one place, but also all container and application logs, too!

If you’re using Docker, we hope you find this useful!  Anything else you’d like us to add to SPM (for Docker or any other integration)?  Leave a comment, ping @sematext, or send us email – tell us what you’d like to get for early Christmas!

Top 10 Elasticsearch Metrics to Watch

Elasticsearch is booming.  Together with Logstash, a tool for collecting and processing logs, and Kibana, a tool for searching and visualizing data in Elasticsearch (aka the “ELK” stack), adoption of Elasticsearch continues to grow by leaps and bounds.  When it comes to actually using Elasticsearch, there are tons of metrics generated.  Instead of taking on the formidable task of tackling all-things-metrics in one blog post, we’re going to serve up something that we at Sematext have found to be extremely useful in our work as Elasticsearch consultants, production support providers, and monitoring solution builders: the top 10 Elasticsearch metrics to watch.  This should be especially helpful to those readers new to Elasticsearch, and also to experienced users who want a quick start into performance monitoring of Elasticsearch.

Side note: we’re @sematext, if you’d like to follow us.

Here are the Top 10 Elasticsearch metrics:

  1. Cluster Health – Nodes and Shards
  2. Node Performance – CPU
  3. Node Performance – Memory Usage
  4. Node Performance – Disk I/O
  5. Java – Heap Usage and Garbage Collection
  6. Java – JVM Pool Size
  7. Search Performance – Request Latency and Request Rate
  8. Search Performance – Filter Cache
  9. Search Performance – Field Data Cache
  10. Indexing Performance – Refresh Times and Merge Times

Most of the charts in this piece group metrics either by displaying multiple metrics in one chart or organizing them into dashboards. This is done to provide context for each of the metrics we’re exploring.

To start, here’s a dashboard view of the 10 Elasticsearch metrics we’re going to discuss.


This dashboard image, and all images in this post, are from Sematext’s SPM Performance Monitoring tool.

Now, let’s dig each of the top 10 metrics one by one and see how to interpret them.

Continue reading “Top 10 Elasticsearch Metrics to Watch”

Custom Metrics from Node.js Apps

We recently added support for Node.js and io.js monitoring to SPM and have received great feedback.  While SPM for Node.js monitors all key Node.js metrics, most applications have additional metrics one often wants to track — things like: the number of concurrent users, the number of items placed in a shopping cart, or any other kind of IT metric, business transaction or KPI.  SPM already provides a Custom Metrics API and libraries that make shipping custom metrics from Java and from Ruby applications a snap.  But why leave Node.js behind?  Meet spm-metrics-js (it’s on Github) – the npm module for sending custom metrics from Node.js apps to SPM.  

This JavaScript module supports measurements using counters, meters, timers, and histograms. These helpers calculate values of metrics objects and ship them to SPM, where they are then turned into charts and inputs to alert rules and anomaly detection algorithms.

Here’s an example for counting users on login and logout:

// app.js generates login/logout events
var app = require('./app.js')
var os = require('os')
// create SPM client
var SPM = require('spm-metrics-js')
var spmClient = new SPM(process.env.SPM_TOKEN, 20000)
// Create a metrics object to count users
var userCounterMetric = spmClient.getCustomMetric({
// name of the metric
name: 'concurrentUser',
// aggregation type
aggregation: 'avg',
// filter value in SPM User Interface, e.g. hostname
filter1: os.hostname(),
// auto-save metrics in the given interval
interval: 30000})
// use metric as 'counter' object
var counter = userCounterMetric.counter()
// Hook the counter to your business logic
app.on('login', function (user, password) {})
app.on('logout', function (user) {counter.dec()})
view raw counter.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Sending custom metrics is really that easy!

Now, let’s have a look at the options used when creating a custom metric object:

  • name – the name of the metric you can find in SPM’s user interface
  • aggregation – the aggregation type: ‘avg’, ‘sum’, ‘min’ or ‘max’ used in SPM’s aggregations server
  • filter1 – the SPM user interface provides two filter criteria; the value will be available in the UI as the first filter
  • filter2 – the filter value for the second filter field in SPM’s UI
  • interval – time in ms to call save() periodically. Defaults to no automatic call to save(). The save() function captures the metric and resets meters, histograms, counters or timers.
  • valueFilter – array of property names for calculated values. Only specified fields are sent to SPM (e.g. [‘count’, ‘min’, ‘max’].

Additional measurement functions are available to extend the custom metric object automatically with additional calculated properties:

  • Meter – measure rates and provide the following calculated properties:
    • mean: the average rate since the meter was started
    • count: the total of all values added to the meter
    • currentRate: the rate of the meter since the meter was started
    • 1MinuteRate: the rate of the meter biased toward the last 1 minute
    • 5MinuteRate: the rate of the meter biased toward the last 5 minutes
    • 15MinuteRate: the rate of the meter biased toward the last 15 minutes
  • Histogram – build percentile, min, max, & sum aggregations over time
    • min: the lowest observed value
    • max: the highest observed value
    • sum: the sum of all observed values
    • variance: the variance of all observed values
    • mean: the average of all observed values
    • stddev: the stddev of all observed values
    • count: the number of observed values
    • median: 50% of all values in the reservoir are at or below this value.
    • p75: see median, 75% percentile
    • p95: see median, 95% percentile
    • p99: see median, 99% percentile
    • p999: see median, 99.9% percentile
  • Timer – measures time and captures rates in an internal meter and histogram

If this is more than you actually need, we recommend selecting only the relevant properties (using the ‘valueFilter’ option). Please note that Custom Metrics are aggregated by the specified aggregation type (‘avg’, ‘sum’, ‘min’, ‘max’).  Moreover, the aggregation type for each property can be defined – for further details please check the package documentation.

Adding instrumentation always raises the question of performance; in spm-metrics-js all metrics are buffered and efficiently ship metrics to SPM in bulk using asynchronous functions. We recommend using a transmit time of 60 seconds.

Once you send custom metrics to SPM you can create alerts on them, have SPM detect and alert you about anomalies, put charts with those metrics on dashboards, share charts with those metrics publicly or just with your team or organization, etc.

Actions for Metrics – e.g. define alerts using anomaly detection
Dashboard with Custom Metric and other Metrics

Please note the free plan has no limits on the number of monitored Applications, Processes, Dashboards or Users and you can share Accounts with your whole DevOps team and integrate SPM with Slack, HipChat, PagerDuty, Webhooks, etc. If you don’t use SPM yet, grab a free account to start monitoring your Node.js and io.js applications and benefit from all standard SPM features such as alerting, anomaly detection, event and log correlation, unlimited dashboards, secure information sharing, etc. Check out spm-metrics-js (or on Github) and drop us a line (or tweet 140 characters to @sematext) — we’d love to hear from you!

Node.js and io.js Monitoring Support

Node.js and io.js are increasingly being used to run JavaScript on the server side for many types of applications, such as websites, real-time messaging and controllers for small devices with limited resources. For DevOps it is crucial to monitor the whole application stack and Node.js is rapidly becoming an important part of the stack in many organizations. Sematext has historically had a strong support for monitoring big data applications such as Elastic (aka Elasticsearch), Cassandra, Solr, Spark, Hadoop, and HBase, as well as more traditional databases, web servers like Nginx, Nginx Plus and Apache, Java applications, cache servers like Redis and Memcached, messaging middleware like everyone’s darling Kafka, etc.  With such rapid adoption of Node.js and now io.js, we’d be remiss not to add performance monitoring, alerting, and anomaly detection for them in SPM!


SPM for Node.js

We’re happy to announce we’ve just added Node.js monitoring to this growing list of SPM integrations.  SPM for Node.js covers key Node.js metrics such as Event Loop, Garbage Collection, CPU, Memory and web services metrics.  All metrics are organized in out-of-the-box charts, which can be put on additional dashboards and placed next to performance charts for other parts of the application stack.

Overview for top node.js and io.js metrics
Overview for top node.js and io.js metrics

Of course, you can view your Node.js metrics in a larger context.  For example, here is a dashboard that shows Node.js metrics together with Elasticsearch metrics, making it easier to correlate performance across multiple tiers of the application stack.  You could also get your event and log charts on the same dashboard for an even more thorough correlation.

Dashboard with node.js HTTP response time and Elasticsearch query latency

Needless to say, we made sure everything works for the latest versions of Node.js (0.12) and io.js (1.6). Installation is as easy as integration of any other module using npm.  If you are not using SPM yet, you can sign up with no commitment or credit card.  You have 30-days free on any new app you create.  If you are already using SPM, you can simply add a new SPM App for Node.js and see all your Node.js metrics in just a few minutes.  Don’t see something in SPM for Node.js?  Please let us know (@sematext) or comment below, we are looking for feedback!

Extending Hadoop Metrics

Here at Sematext we really like performance metrics and we like HBase.  We like them so much we’ve created a service for HBase Performance Monitoring (and for Solr, too).  In the process we’ve done some experiments with Hadoop and HBase around performance monitoring and are sharing our experience and some relevant code in this post.

The Hadoop metrics framework is simple to extend and customise. For example, you can very easily write a custom MetricsContext which sends metrics to your own storage solution.

All you need to do is extend the AbstractMetricsContext class and implement

protected void emitRecord(String context, String record, OutputRecord outputrecord)
  throws IOException;

To demonstrate, I wrote HBaseMetricsContext which stores Hadoop metrics in HBase. Since HBase itself uses the Hadoop metrics framework, you can use it to store its own metrics inside itself. Useful? Maybe. This is just an example after all.

If you’d like to try it out, get the source from GitHub. Then build the project using:

mvn package

Put the resulting Jar file in the HBase lib directory.

You will need to create a table with the relevant column families. We assume the column families are a composite of:

columnFamily = contextName + "." + recordName

In the HBase shell create your table:

create 'metrics', 'hbase.master', 'hbase.regionserver'

Edit your file to include:


Restart HBase and it will start inserting to the metrics table every 10 seconds.

The row key of each record is made up of the timestamp and the tags (for disambiguation) like so:

rowKey = bytes(maxlong - timestamp) + bytes(tagName) + bytes(tagValue) + …

Subtracting the timestamp from maxlong ensures the scans get the most recent record first.

Each tag and metric is stored in it’s own column. This gives us a table that looks something like this:

hbase.master hbase.regionserver
cluster_requests hostName hostName flushQueueSize regions
rowKey2 0 1
rowKey1 101

For clarity timestamps are not included in the above table, as each cell is timestamped. All cells for a record will have the same timestamp.