Search Analytics at Enterprise Search Summit Fall 2011 Presentation

Here is another take on Search Analytics, this one being presented at Enterprise Search Summit Fall 2011 in Washington DC, to an audience coming mainly from the US government agencies, very large enterprises, and large international companies with 10s of thousands of employees world wide.  The audience was good and posed a number of good questions after the talk.  The full slide deck is below as well as in Sematext@Slideshare.

Search Analytics: Business Value & NoSQL Backend Presentation

Last week involved a few late nights for some of us at Sematext – we were busy readying our Search Analytics and Scalable Performance Monitoring services, as well as putting the final touches on the our Search Analytics: Business Value & NoSQL Backend presentation for Lucene Eurocon in Barcelona.

In the past we’ve given a few other public talks about Search Analytics and you can check them all out via

Search Analytics: What? Why? How? Presentation

Back in May and June of this year, 2011, we went to two conferences: Lucene Revolution 2011 in San Francisco and Berlin Buzzwords.  We went there to talk about what Search Analytics is, why it’s important to have a good search analytics tool, what the benefits of search analytics are, etc.  We never posted that presentation deck online, so we are doing it now.  Note that we will be talking about Search Analytics at Lucene Eurocon 2011 in Barcelona, too, but that talk will be different than the one whose slides are below.


Sematext at Berlin Buzzwords 2011

As part of Sematext’s Summer 2011 Conference Tour we are going to be visiting the good old Europe and giving a talk at Berlin Buzzwords.  This is the second year for Berlin Buzzwords, “a conference for developers and users of open source software projects, focusing on the issues of scalable search, data-analysis in the cloud and NoSQL-databases. Berlin Buzzwords presents more than 30 talks and presentations of international speakers specific to the three tags “search”, “store” and “scale”“.  Last year, one of us from Sematext went there as an attendee.  This year, three of us are going and one of us is giving a talk – @OtisG will be speaking about Search Analytics on June 6th.  That’s the first day of the conference and we are first in line to talk at 11:00 AM, right after the morning coffee.  Doug Cutting and Ted Dunning will be giving Keynotes.  Some of us may also be there for some of the Hackathons/Workshops before and/or after the conference.  If you are going to be there and would like to meet up, please let us know@sematext.

For more information on this topic read about Sematext Search Analytics service.

Sematext at Lucene Revolution 2011

Last year at Lucene Revolution in October in Boston, we shared how we built and  In May of this year, we’ll again be talking at Lucene Revolution about another topic very dear to us at Sematext – Search Analytics (abstract).  The full conference agenda is available.  Start picking sessions to attend.

This year’s Lucene Revolution is extra interesting because Sematext is also sponsoring the conference.  In addition to that, it’s great to see a couple of our customers be presenting this year!

If you are coming to the conference don’t be afraid to say hello.  And if San Francisco is too far this year and you are on the east coast of the US in mid-June, you can also catch us at the Open Source Search Conference.  And if you are in Europe, you’ll see us there in June of this year, too.  Until then, so long from @sematext.

For more information on this topic read about Sematext Search Analytics service.

Sematext at Open Source Search Conference 2011

We are happy to report that we have been selected to present at the upcoming Open Source Search Conference 2011 in McLean, Virginia, this coming June.  We’ll be talking about Search Analytics.

Search Analytics: What? Why? How?

Search is increasingly the primary information access mechanism, so knowing how your search is doing often has direct business impact. You’ve indexed your data and people are searching it. But how do you know if they are happy with the results? How do you know if they are finding what they need?  Regardless of whether you are using Solr, Lucene, or some other search solution, you should be paying attention to what your users are searching for and clicking on – through those actions they are telling you what you can do to improve your search.

In this talk we’ll talk about search analytics and how it can be used to answer questions like:

  • Are too many users getting the dreaded “no matches” results?
  • How deep into search results do people dig?
  • Which hits are they clicking on, or what percentage of them don’t click on any hits?
  • How much do they use the “Did You Mean” or “Auto-Complete” suggestions?

We’ll explore what specific search analytics reports tell us and what specific actions you should take based on those reports.

You can browse through other presentations, too.  If you will be attending the conference, please do not hesitate the tap Otis‘ shoulder.  We’d also be happy to talk business if you think your organization may benefit from one of Sematext’s products or services or if you simply want to chat.  To keep up with us, follow @sematext on Twitter.

For more information on this topic read about Sematext Search Analytics service.

Key Phrases for Better Search: Smart Content Presentation

We are 3 for 3 this month – 3 talks at 3 different conferences – Lucene Revolution (see our presentation), Hadoop World (see our presentation), and Smart Content (see full agenda).  The last conference was a small one-day conference here in New York, organized by Seth Grimes.  It turns out there are tons of vendors in the text analytics / “semantic” analysis space who all do more or less the same thing – Named Entity Recognition, Classification, Clustering, Key Phrase Extraction, etc.  Sematext is not in that space, though we do have a classifier, a Language Identifier, and a Key Phrase Extractor.  If is this last tool, the Key Phrase Extractor that I made use of in the presentation.  But enough talk, here is our presentation:

Search Analytics: Hadoop World Presentation

After our Lucene Revolution talk in Boston, we got ready for last week’s Hadoop World conference in New York.  Like at the Lucene Revolution, we presented to a packed room of 200+ people. The topic of our talk was the Search Analytics tool we’ve built with the help of Flume, HBase, MapReduce, and other open-source tools, and which are now starting to use for and  If you couldn’t make it to Hadoop World, have a look at our presentation below.  And if you’d like to work on Search, Analytics, and related areas, we’re looking for good people world-wide – see our jobs page.  Enjoy!

ProjectHub: Lucene Revolution Presentation

Over the past few weeks we’ve been to two conferences: Lucene Revolution in Boston and Hadoop World in New York.  We presented at both.  At Lucene Revolution we talked about how we built and  The fact that our presentation room was packed despite a couple of other interesting talks being given at the same time tells us this stuff is interesting to people (or at least the title and the brief description in the conference schedule were attractive). For those of you who were unable to make it to Boston, we are sharing our presentation below.  And for those of you who like to work on Search, Analytics, Machine Learning, and related areas, we’re looking for good people world-wide – see our jobs page.  Enjoy!

Sematext at Lucene Revolution 2010

We are packing our bags and going to Boston to the Lucene Revolution conference.  If you are a current or a past client of Sematext, please try to spot Otis and say hello.

Our presentation is Lucene Ecosystem Tools for Hadoop Ecosystem Search and we’ll be presenting at the end of Day 1 (tomorrow, Thursday October 7th).  In the presentation we’ll be talking about how we’ve built and, how we used Solr, Tika, Droids, Digester, etc.

See you there!