Large Scale Log Analytics with Solr – Presentation Upvoting

If topics like log analytics and Solr are your thing then we may have a treat for you at the upcoming Lucene / Solr Revolution conference in Austin in October.  Two of Sematext’s engineers and Solr, Elasticsearch and ELK stack experts — Rafal Kuc and Radu Gheorghe — have proposed a talk called “Large Scale Log Analytics with Solr” and could use some upvoting from the community to get in on this year’s agenda.

To show your support for “Large Scale Log Analytics with Solr” just click here to vote.  Takes less than a minute!  Even if you don’t attend the conference, we’ll post the slides and video here on the blog…assuming it gets on the agenda.  Voting will close at 11:59pm EDT on Thursday, June 25th.


Talk Summary

This talk is about searching and analyzing time-based data at scale. Documents ranging from blog posts and social media to application logs and metrics generated by smart watches and other “smart” things share a similar pattern: timestamp among their fields, rarely changeable, deletion when they become obsolete.

Very often this kind of data is so large that it causes scaling and performance challenges. We’ll address precisely these challenges, which include:

  1. Properly designing collections architecture
  2. Indexing data fast and without documents waiting in queues for processing
  3. Being able to run queries that include time-based sorting and faceting on enormous amounts of indexed data without killing Solr
  4. …and many more

We’ll start with the indexing pipeline — where you do all your ETL. We’ll show you how to maximize throughput through various ETL tools, such Flume, Kafka, Logstash and rsyslog, and make them scale and send data to Solr.

On the Solr side, we’ll show all sorts of tricks to optimize indexing and searching: from tuning merge policies to slicing collections based on timestamp. While scaling out, we’ll show how to improve the performance/cost ratio.

Thanks for your support!

Beyond POC: Processing Metrics, Logs and Traces … at Scale

For those of you attending next week’s DevOps Summit event in New York City (part of the larger Cloud Computing Expo) with an interest in topics like performance monitoring and processing metrics, log management, and distributed transaction tracing — at scale, no less! — then Sematext founder Otis Gospodnetić will be speaking your language on Wednesday, June 10.

Talk Summary

Application metrics, logs, and business KPIs are a goldmine. It’s easy to get started with the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) — you can see lots of people coming up with impressive dashboards, in less than a day, with no previous experience. Going from proof-of-concept to production tends to be a bit more difficult, unfortunately, and it tends to gobble up our attention, time, and money. In this talk Otis will share the architecture and decisions behind our services for handling large volumes of performance metrics, traces, logs, anomaly detection, alerts, etc. Attendees will follow data from its sources, its collection, aggregation, storage, and visualization. The talk will also cover the overview of some of the relevant technologies and their strengths and weaknesses, such as HBase, Elasticsearch, and Kafka.

  • Date: Wednesday, June 10
  • Time: 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Panel Discussion: Microservices and IoT Power

Otis will also be participating in a lunchtime panel discussion, also on June 10 (from 12:45 pm to 1:45 pm) with other tech industry experts called “Microservices and IoT Power” that dives deep into the important architectural principles behind implementing IoT solutions for the enterprise. Let’s face it, as remote IoT devices and sensors become increasingly intelligent, they become part of our distributed cloud environment, and we must architect and code accordingly.  It promises to contain buzzwords galore!


Let’s Talk About Elasticsearch, ELK Stack, Solr, Spark, Kafka, APM, Centralized Log Management, and…

We’ll be at Booth #230 in the DevOps Summit section of the floor, so stop by and say hello.  We’ll be demo-ing SPM performance monitoring, Logsene Log Management and Analytics and Site Search Analytics, along with our usual interest in discussing Search and Big Data consulting topics and more.  Or just drop us an email or DM us if you’re not going to be in the Big Apple from June 9-11 but have interest in chatting.

Hope to see you in NYC next week!

Elasticsearch Training at GeeCON 2015

[Note: Early Bird pricing ends on Tuesday, May 5!]

For those of you interested in some comprehensive Elasticsearch training taught by experts (and authors of several Elasticsearch books!) who know it inside and out, you are in luck if you are attending — or considering — the GeeCON conference taking place in Krakow from May 13-15.

There will be two full-day training workshops held on May 12 — Elasticsearch Intro and Elasticsearch Advanced — run by Sematext engineers Radu Gheorghe and Rafał Kuć.

You can find the details for each session here, including costs and topics covered:

Elasticsearch Intro


Elasticsearch Advanced


In both training workshops attendees will go through a series of short lectures followed by exercises and Q&A sessions covering the many aspects of Elasticsearch.  There will also be plenty of opportunities to get production tips & tricks that make things smoother.

If you can’t make it…watch this space.  We’ll be adding more Elasticsearch training workshops in the US, Europe and possibly other locations in the coming months.  We are also known worldwide for our Elasticsearch consulting services and production support if you need help asap.

Hope to see you in Krakow!

Solr Presentations from Lucene/Solr Revolution 2014

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Sematext booth at last week’s Lucene/Solr Revolution event in Washington, DC and attended our two talks:

The attendance, questions and interest are very much appreciated.  As a company that prides itself on its Solr expertise (and Elasticsearch expertise too, for that matter), it was nice to spend a couple days talking about search and Big Data challenges, performance monitoring and logging with fellow experts from around the world. Here are the slides for the two talks we gave (summaries of the talks can be found here):


  Videos of the talks will be posted here soon.  Hope to see everyone again next year!

Video and Slides: Centralized Logging with Logstash and Elasticsearch

Sematext engineer and Elasticsearch / Logstash expert Rafal Kuc gave a well-received talk at the recent DevOps Days Warsaw event.  The talk was titled “From Zero to Hero – Centralized Logging with Logstash & Elasticsearch” and you can watch the video here:

And check out the slides here:

Brief Summary

Rafal talked about the common problem of digging through logs to find one particular event — or group of them.  And going even further into this pain point — what if you have lots of servers and you don’t have a single place to look for logs?  Do you really want to ssh to one or more servers and grep log files?  Of course not!  It’s 2014 and there are tools and services that help you spend less time hunting around for problems and more time actually fixing them.

To help solve this problem Rafal guided the audience through the basics of using Logstash and Elasticsearch together as the perfect combination for handling logs from multiple applications.  Attendees also learned how to set up Logstash, how to configure it to parse logs and, finally, how to send them to an Elasticsearch cluster.

Rafal also discussed tuning Elasticsearch for log management and centralized logging purposes, and showed how to easily switch between shipping logs to a self-hosted solution like Elasticsearch / Logstash / Kibana (aka ELK) and instead ship logs to Logsene Log Management and Analytics by changing a single line in Logstash configuration.

See also:

Enjoy!  And thanks to everyone who attended Rafal’s talk in person and stopped by the Sematext booth.

Community Voting for Sematext Talks at Lucene/Solr Revolution 2014

The biggest open source conference dedicated to Apache Lucene/Solr takes place in November in Washington, DC.  If you are planning to attend — and even if you are not — you can help improve the conference’s content by voting for your favorite talk topics.  The top vote-getters for each track will be added to Lucene/Solr Revolution 2014 agenda.

Not surprisingly for one of the leading Lucene/Solr products and services organizations, Sematext has two contenders in the Tutorial track:

We’d love your support to help us contribute our expertise to this year’s conference.  To vote, simply click on the above talk links and you’ll see a “Vote” button in the upper left corner.  That’s it!

To give you a better sense of what Radu and Rafal would like to present, here are their talk summaries:

Tuning Solr for Logs – by Radu Gheorghe

Performance tuning is always nice for keeping your applications snappy and your costs down. This is especially the case for logs, social media and other stream-like data that can easily grow into terabyte territory.

While you can always use SolrCloud to scale out of performance issues, this talk is about optimizing. First, we’ll talk about Solr settings by answering the following questions:

  • How often should you commit and merge?
  • How can you have one collection per day/month/year/etc?
  • What are the performance trade-offs for these options?

Then, we’ll turn to hardware. We know SSDs are fast, especially on cold-cache searches, but are they worth the price? We’ll give you some numbers and let you decide what’s best for your use case.

The last part is about optimizing the infrastructure pushing logs to Solr. We’ll talk about tuning Apache Flume for handling large flows of logs and about overall design options that also apply to other shippers, like Logstash. As always, there are trade-offs, and we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each option.

Solr Anti-Patternsby Rafal Kuc

Working as a consultant, software engineer and helping people in various ways we can see multiple patterns on how Solr is used and how it should be used. We all usually say what should be done, but we don’t talk and point out why we should not go some ways. That’s why I would like to point out common mistakes and roads that should be avoided at all costs.   During the talk I would like not only to show the bad patterns, but also show the difference before and after.

The talk is divided into three major sections:

  1. We will start with general configuration pitfalls that people are used to make. We will discuss different use cases showing the proper path that one should take
  2. Next we will focus on data modeling and what to avoid when making your data indexable. Again we will see real life use cases followed by the description how to handle them properly
  3. Finally we will talk about queries and all the juicy mistakes when it comes to searching for indexed data

Each shown use case will be illustrated by the before and after analysis – we will see the metrics changes, so the talk will not only bring pure facts, but hopefully know-how worth remembering.

Thank you for your support!

Presentation and Video: Side by Side with Solr and Elasticsearch

Fresh from Berlin Buzzwords where Sematext‘s own Radu Gheorghe and Rafal Kuc presented “Side by Side with Solr and Elasticsearch” on the same stage, at the same time…but in different colors.  The talk included live demos, graphing, stats, and hints at juicy things to come.  Needless to say — if you deal with Solr and Elasticsearch then there are great insights to be found here!

Here is the presentation:


And here is the video:


Want to Be on Stage Somewhere Like Radu and Rafal Talking About Solr and Elasticsearch?

Or maybe you don’t want the spotlight — that’s cool too.  But…if you do enjoy performance monitoring, log analytics, or search analytics, working with projects like Elasticsearch, Solr, HBase, Hadoop, Kafka, and Storm, then drop us a line.  We’re hiring planet-wide!  Front end and JavaScript Developers, Developer Evangelists, Full-stack Engineers, Mobile App Developers…get in touch!

[Note: for those of you who don’t have the time or inclination to go through all the technical details, here’s a high-level, up-to-date (2015) Solr vs. Elasticsearch overview]


Berlin Buzzwords 2014 – Side by Side with Elasticsearch and Solr

Last year at Berlin Buzzwords two Sematext Engineers had the opportunity to give two talks. Radu talked about “JSON Logging with Elasticsearch” (video, slides) and Rafał did the second round of Solr vs Elasticsearch in his talk “Battle of the Giants, round 2” (video, slides). We were also happy to be sponsoring Berlin Buzzwords 2013. This year, we decided to go for a talk where two of us can talk on the same stage, at the same time. On Tuesday, 27th of May, at 11:30, in the Frannz Club Radu and Rafał will be giving a talk called “Side by side with Solr and Elasticsearch“.

side by side

Solr – established, mature and well known open-source search server, commonly used. Elasticsearch – still young, but quickly gaining popularity, with over 200k downloads per month. Both search servers are based on Lucene – the open-source full text searching Java library, but each with their own extensions, their pros and cons.

We all know that Solr and Elasticsearch are different, but what those differences are and which solution is the best fit for a particular use case is a frequent question. We will try to make those differences clear, not by showing slides and comparing them, but by showing on online demo of both Elasticsearch and Solr:

  • Set up and start both search servers. See what you need to prepare and launch Solr and Elasticsearch.
  • Index data right after the server was started using the “schemaless” mode
  • Create index structure and modify it using the provided API
  • Explore different query use cases
  • Scale by adding and removing nodes from the cluster, creating indices and managing shards. See how that affects data indexing and querying.
  • Monitor and administer clusters.  See what metrics can be seen out of the box, how to get them and what tools can provide you with the graphical view of all the goodies that each search server can provide.

If you want to come, hear about both Solr and Elasticsearch from @sematext and how to achieve similar things, what how they behave and don’t see too many slides, come join us 🙂

Video: Scaling Solr with SolrCloud

During last  year’s Lucene Revolution conference in Dublin we had the opportunity to give four talks, one of which was Scaling Solr with SolrCloud. Through it we wanted to share our experiences around scaling Solr, especially as we have experience in running Solr internally and as a team of search consultants.  Enjoy the video and/or the slides!

Note: we are looking for engineers passionate about search to join our professional services team.  We’re hiring planet-wide!

Video: Administering and Monitoring SolrCloud Clusters

As you know, at Sematext, we are not only about consulting services, but also about administration, monitoring, and data analysis. Because of that, during last year’s Lucene Revolution conference in Dublin we gave a talk about administration and monitoring of SolrCloud clusters. During the talk, Rafał Kuć discusses some administration procedures for SolrCloud like collection management and schema modifications with the schema API. In addition, he also talks about why monitoring is important and what to pay attention to. Finally, he shows three real life examples of monitoring usefulnesses.  Enjoy the video and/or the slides!

Note: we are looking for engineers passionate about search to join our professional services team.  We’re hiring planet-wide!