Integrating SPM Performance Monitoring with HipChat

Many agile DevOps teams rely on communication via HipChat,  which provides an API and mobile apps to receive messages while being away from one’s desktop. SPM Performance Monitoring‘s new integration via WebHooks provides the capability to forward alerts to many services, including HipChat.

The integration of both services can be achieved by collecting the room_id and an access token from HipChat and then building a WebHook in SPM.  The SPM Wiki explains how to get this information from HipChat and build the WebHook in SPM: Alerts – HipChat integration


This whole process only takes a minute or two.  HipChat is a tool that is becoming more popular among the DevOps crowd, and here at Sematext we pride ourselves on staying on top of what our users need and expect.

Need some extra help with this setup or another app you might want to integrate?  Have ideas for other integrations we should explore? Please drop us a line, we’re here to help and listen.