Poll Results: Kafka Producer/Consumer

About 10 days ago we ran a a poll about which languages/APIs people use when writing their Apache Kafka Producers and Consumers.  See Kafka Poll: Producer & Consumer Client.  We collected 130 votes so far.  The results were actually somewhat surprising!  Let’s share the numbers first!

Kafka Producer/Consumer Languages
Kafka Producer/Consumer Languages

What do you think?  Is that the breakdown you expected?  Here is what surprised us:

  • Java is the dominant language on the planet today, but less than 50% people use it with Kafka! Read: possible explanation for Java & Kafka.
  • Python is clearly popular and gaining in popularity, but at 13% it looks like it’s extra popular in Kafka context.
  • Go at 10-11% seems quite popular for a relatively young language.  One might expect Ruby to have more adoption here than Go because Ruby has been around much longer.
  • We put C/C++ in the poll because these languages are still in use, though we didn’t expect it to get 6% of votes.  However, considering C/C++ are still quite heavily used generally speaking, that’s actually a pretty low percentage.
  • JavaScript and NodeJS are surprisingly low at just 4%.  Any idea why?  Is the JavaScript Kafka API not up to date or bad or ….?
  • The “Other” category is relatively big, at a bit over 12%.  Did we forget some major languages people often use with Kafka?  Scala?  See info about the Kafka Scala API here.

Everyone and their cousin is using Kafka nowadays, or at least that’s what it looks like from where we at Sematext sit.  However, because of the relatively high percentage of people using Python and Go, we’d venture to say Kafka adoption is much stronger among younger, smaller companies, where Python and Go are used more than “enterprise languages”, like Java, C#, and C/C++.

Kafka Poll: Producer & Consumer Client

Kafka has become the de-facto standard for handling real-time streams in high-volume, data-intensive applications, and there are certainly a lot of those out there.  We thought it would be valuable to conduct a quick poll to find out which which implementation of Kafka Producers and Consumers people use – specifically, which programming languages do you use to produce and consume Kafka messages?

Please tweet this poll and help us spread the word, so we can get a good, statistically significant results.  We’ll publish the results here and via @sematext (follow us!) in a week.

NOTE #: If you choose “Other”, please leave a comment with additional info, so we can share this when we publish the results, too!

NOTE #2: The results are in! See http://blog.sematext.com/2015/01/28/kafka-poll-results-producer-consumer/

Please tweet this poll and help us spread the word, so we can get a good, statistically significant results.  We’ll publish the results hereand via @sematext (follow us!) in a week.

Solr Redis Plugin Use Cases and Performance Tests

The Solr Redis Plugin is an extension for Solr that provides a query parser that uses data stored in Redis. It is open-sourced on Github by Sematext. This tool is basically a QParserPlugin that establishes a connection to Redis and takes data stored in SET, ZRANGE and other Redis data structures in order to build a query. Data fetched from Redis is used in RedisQParser and is responsible for building a query. Moreover, this plugin provides a highlighter extension which can be used to highlight parts of aliased Solr Redis queries (this will be described in a future).

Use Case: Social Network

Imagine you have a social network and you want to implement a search solution that can search things like: events, interests, photos, and all your friends’ events, interests, and photos. A naive, Solr-only-based implementation would search over all documents and filter by a “friends” field. This requires denormalization and indexing the full list of friends into each document that belongs to a user. Building a query like this is just searching over documents and adding something like a “friends:1234” clause to the query. It seems simple to implement, but the reality is that this is a terrible solution when you need to update a list of friends because it requires a modification of each document. So when the number of documents (e.g., photos, events, interests, friends and their items) connected with a user grows, the number of potential updates rises dramatically and each modification of connections between users becomes a nightmare. Imagine a person with 10 photos and 100 friends (all of which have their photos, events, interests, etc.).  When this person gets the 101th friend, the naive system with flattened data would have to update a lot of documents/rows.  As we all know, in a social network connections between people are constantly being created and removed, so such a naive Solr-only system could not really scale.

Social networks also have one very important attribute: the number of connections of a single user is typically not expressed in millions. That number is typically relatively small — tens, hundreds, sometimes thousands. This begs the question: why not carry information about user connections in each query sent to a search engine? That way, instead of sending queries with clause “friends:1234,” we can simply send queries with multiple user IDs connected by an “OR” operator. When a query has all the information needed to search entities that belong to a user’s friends, there is no need to store a list of friends in each user’s document. Storing user connections in each query leads to sending of rather large queries to a search engine; each of them containing multiple terms containing user ID (e.g., id:5 OR id:10 OR id:100 OR …) connected by a disjunction operator. When the number of terms grows the query requests become very big. And that’s a problem, because preparing it and sending it to a search engine over the network becomes awkward and slow.

How Does It Work?

The image below presents how Solr Redis Plugin works.

Continue reading “Solr Redis Plugin Use Cases and Performance Tests”

Solr Presentations from Lucene/Solr Revolution 2014

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Sematext booth at last week’s Lucene/Solr Revolution event in Washington, DC and attended our two talks:

The attendance, questions and interest are very much appreciated.  As a company that prides itself on its Solr expertise (and Elasticsearch expertise too, for that matter), it was nice to spend a couple days talking about search and Big Data challenges, performance monitoring and logging with fellow experts from around the world. Here are the slides for the two talks we gave (summaries of the talks can be found here):


  Videos of the talks will be posted here soon.  Hope to see everyone again next year!

Sematext at Lucene/Solr Revolution 2014

Going to Lucene/Solr Revolution next week — November 11-14 — in Washington, DC?  If so…Sematext will be there exhibiting AND giving two talks!  If you are going, stop by our table to say hello.  We can show you the latest versions of SPM Performance Monitoring, Logsene Log Management and Analytics, Site Search Analytics, and, of course, talk about metrics, centralized log management, Lucene, Solr, Elasticsearch, and just about any other search-related topic you might be interested in.  After all, not only have we blogged, given talks and spread the word in all sorts of ways, we’ve also written books on these subjects!

Both of the Sematext engineer talks take place on Friday, November 14.  They are:

Radu Gheorghe will talk about “Tuning Solr for Logs” at 10:15 am

Summary:  Performance tuning is always nice for keeping your applications snappy and your costs down. This is especially the case for logs, social media and other stream-like data that can easily grow into terabyte territory. While you can always use SolrCloud to scale out of performance issues, this talk is about optimizing. The following questions about Solr settings will be answered. How often should you commit and merge? How can you have one collection per day/month/year/etc? What are the performance trade-offs for these options?  There will also be a discussion around choosing the appropriate hardware.  Radu will talk about optimizing the infrastructure when pushing logs to Solr. This includes tuning Apache Flume to handle large flows of logs and overall design options that also apply to other shippers, like Logstash.

Rafal Kuc will talk about “Solr Anti-Patterns” at 10:55 am

Summary:  Working as a consultant, software engineer and helping people in various ways, Rafał has seen multiple patterns in how Solr is used and how it should be used. Consulting on best practices is common, but talking about what NOT to do is not. This talk will point out common mistakes and roads that should be avoided at all costs, covering use cases and guidelines around general configuration pitfalls, data modeling and what to avoid when making your data indexable, and mistakes made when it comes to queries and searching for indexed data. Each use case will be illustrated by a before and after analysis where changes in metrics will be shown to bring a know-how worth remembering.

20% Discount Code

If you currently use a Sematext product or have been a client in the past and want to go, drop us a line for more info.

Hope to see you in DC!

Two Lucene/Solr Revolution 2014 Talks Accepted!

We recently got word from Lucene/Solr Revolution 2014 (in Washington, DC from Nov. 11-14) that talks submitted by two Sematext engineers were accepted as part of the Tutorial track!  They are:

In “Tuning Solr for Logs” Radu will discuss Solr settings, hardware options and optimizing the infrastructure pushing logs to Solr.

In “Solr Anti-Patterns” Rafal will point out common Solr mistakes and roads that should be avoided at all costs.  Each of the talk’s use cases will be illustrated with a before and after analysis — including changes in metrics.

You can see more details about both talks in this recent blog post.

The full agenda, including dates and times for the talks, will be available soon on the Lucene/Solr Revolution 2014 web site.

If you do attend one of these talks please stop by and say hello to Radu and Rafal.  Not only do they know Solr inside and out, but they are good guys as well!

Love Solr Enough to Even Want to Attend One of These Talks?

If you enjoy Solr enough to even think of attending these talks — and you’re looking for a new opportunity — then Sematext might be the place for you.  We’re hiring planet-wide and currently looking for Solr and Elasticsearch Engineers, Front end and JavaScript Developers, Developer Evangelists, Full-stack Engineers, and Mobile App Developers.

Join Sematext at AWS Summit in New York City on July 10

Live, work or occasionally travel to New York City?  Going to be in our sleepy little town next Thursday, July 10th?  If the answer is “yes” (coupled with the fact that you’re reading our blog) then you might be interested to know that Sematext will be exhibiting at the AWS Summit in New York City on Thursday, July 10.  We’ll be in booth 323 AND we’re holding an iPad giveaway!

We encourage you to stop by, say hello, and check out the new goodies in SPM and the new Logsene Log Management and Analytics UI and functionality.   Now that SPM and Logsene are seamlessly integrated, you can not only find out that SOMETHING happened with AWS (or just about any other app), but also exactly WHAT happened.

If you are going to AWS Summit and want to set up a personal demo on site, drop us a line at mick.emmett@sematext.com.  Hope to see you there!

Not Going to AWS Summit in NYC?  You Can Still Try SPM and Logsene for Free

Try Logsene and/or SPM Performance Monitoring for Free for 30 days by registering here.  There’s no commitment and no credit card required.  You can also check out a live demo and see Storm, Kafka, Solr, Elasticsearch, Hadoop, HBase, MySQL, and other types of apps being monitored.

We’re Hiring!

If you are planning to attend AWS Summit New York — and even if you’re not — and you enjoy performance monitoring, log analytics, or search analytics, working with projects like Elasticsearch, Solr, HBase, Hadoop, Kafka, and Storm, then stop by our booth and meet us in person (or drop us a line)!  We’re hiring planet-wide!  Front end and JavaScript Developers, Developer Evangelists, Full-stack Engineers, Mobile App Developers…get in touch!

Community Voting for Sematext Talks at Lucene/Solr Revolution 2014

The biggest open source conference dedicated to Apache Lucene/Solr takes place in November in Washington, DC.  If you are planning to attend — and even if you are not — you can help improve the conference’s content by voting for your favorite talk topics.  The top vote-getters for each track will be added to Lucene/Solr Revolution 2014 agenda.

Not surprisingly for one of the leading Lucene/Solr products and services organizations, Sematext has two contenders in the Tutorial track:

We’d love your support to help us contribute our expertise to this year’s conference.  To vote, simply click on the above talk links and you’ll see a “Vote” button in the upper left corner.  That’s it!

To give you a better sense of what Radu and Rafal would like to present, here are their talk summaries:

Tuning Solr for Logs – by Radu Gheorghe

Performance tuning is always nice for keeping your applications snappy and your costs down. This is especially the case for logs, social media and other stream-like data that can easily grow into terabyte territory.

While you can always use SolrCloud to scale out of performance issues, this talk is about optimizing. First, we’ll talk about Solr settings by answering the following questions:

  • How often should you commit and merge?
  • How can you have one collection per day/month/year/etc?
  • What are the performance trade-offs for these options?

Then, we’ll turn to hardware. We know SSDs are fast, especially on cold-cache searches, but are they worth the price? We’ll give you some numbers and let you decide what’s best for your use case.

The last part is about optimizing the infrastructure pushing logs to Solr. We’ll talk about tuning Apache Flume for handling large flows of logs and about overall design options that also apply to other shippers, like Logstash. As always, there are trade-offs, and we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each option.

Solr Anti-Patternsby Rafal Kuc

Working as a consultant, software engineer and helping people in various ways we can see multiple patterns on how Solr is used and how it should be used. We all usually say what should be done, but we don’t talk and point out why we should not go some ways. That’s why I would like to point out common mistakes and roads that should be avoided at all costs.   During the talk I would like not only to show the bad patterns, but also show the difference before and after.

The talk is divided into three major sections:

  1. We will start with general configuration pitfalls that people are used to make. We will discuss different use cases showing the proper path that one should take
  2. Next we will focus on data modeling and what to avoid when making your data indexable. Again we will see real life use cases followed by the description how to handle them properly
  3. Finally we will talk about queries and all the juicy mistakes when it comes to searching for indexed data

Each shown use case will be illustrated by the before and after analysis – we will see the metrics changes, so the talk will not only bring pure facts, but hopefully know-how worth remembering.

Thank you for your support!