Solr Redis Plugin Use Cases and Performance Tests

The Solr Redis Plugin is an extension for Solr that provides a query parser that uses data stored in Redis. It is open-sourced on Github by Sematext. This tool is basically a QParserPlugin that establishes a connection to Redis and takes data stored in SET, ZRANGE and other Redis data structures in order to build a query. Data fetched from Redis is used in RedisQParser and is responsible for building a query. Moreover, this plugin provides a highlighter extension which can be used to highlight parts of aliased Solr Redis queries (this will be described in a future).

Use Case: Social Network

Imagine you have a social network and you want to implement a search solution that can search things like: events, interests, photos, and all your friends’ events, interests, and photos. A naive, Solr-only-based implementation would search over all documents and filter by a “friends” field. This requires denormalization and indexing the full list of friends into each document that belongs to a user. Building a query like this is just searching over documents and adding something like a “friends:1234” clause to the query. It seems simple to implement, but the reality is that this is a terrible solution when you need to update a list of friends because it requires a modification of each document. So when the number of documents (e.g., photos, events, interests, friends and their items) connected with a user grows, the number of potential updates rises dramatically and each modification of connections between users becomes a nightmare. Imagine a person with 10 photos and 100 friends (all of which have their photos, events, interests, etc.).  When this person gets the 101th friend, the naive system with flattened data would have to update a lot of documents/rows.  As we all know, in a social network connections between people are constantly being created and removed, so such a naive Solr-only system could not really scale.

Social networks also have one very important attribute: the number of connections of a single user is typically not expressed in millions. That number is typically relatively small — tens, hundreds, sometimes thousands. This begs the question: why not carry information about user connections in each query sent to a search engine? That way, instead of sending queries with clause “friends:1234,” we can simply send queries with multiple user IDs connected by an “OR” operator. When a query has all the information needed to search entities that belong to a user’s friends, there is no need to store a list of friends in each user’s document. Storing user connections in each query leads to sending of rather large queries to a search engine; each of them containing multiple terms containing user ID (e.g., id:5 OR id:10 OR id:100 OR …) connected by a disjunction operator. When the number of terms grows the query requests become very big. And that’s a problem, because preparing it and sending it to a search engine over the network becomes awkward and slow.

How Does It Work?

The image below presents how Solr Redis Plugin works.

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Videos: Tuning Solr for Logs and Solr Anti-Patterns

If you’re an avid Solr user you’ll want to check out these Lucene / Solr Revolution videos from two of Sematext’s Solr experts: Rafal Kuc and Radu Gheorghe.

Tuning Solr for Logs

Radu talked about Solr performance tuning, which is always nice for keeping your applications snappy and your costs down. This is especially true for logs, social media and other stream-like data that can easily grow into terabyte territory.

(note: there’s no audio between 3:30 and 4:30; we hope to have this fixed soon and it doesn’t materially affect the talk)

Solr Anti-Patterns

Rafal points out common mistakes and roads that should be avoided at all costs when dealing with Solr.

Slides and Summaries

You can find slides of the Solr presentations in this blog post and summaries in this blog post.
