Hiring: Full-stack Java Developers

Sematext is looking for a strong full-stack developers (remote work is cool!) who:

  • Find creative and elegant solutions, build tools, avoid repetition and boilerplate code
  • Take ownership and push forward; want to help build the team and the organization
  • Like working with data-intense applications, continuous data streams (e.g. metrics, logs, events), visualization and data analytics
  • Want to have fun, enjoy building new things and improving existing ones

Some info about our tech:

  • Java in the backend, with a bit of Akka
  • Java and NodeJS for various SPM agents
  • A series of Machine Learning algorithms for Anomaly Detection
  • HBase and Elasticsearch for storing massive volumes of data (many billions of “rows”… stopped counting long ago)
  • Jetty and Kafka that handle hundreds of thousands of events/metrics/logs/messages per second
  • MySQL, ZooKeeper (obviously)
  • Apache Flume, rsyslog, Logstash, and Kibana
  • Lots of JavaScript in the Boostrap-based UI layer – jQuery and various other usual suspects
  • Flot for charting (and looking to replace that with something more modern, yes)
  • Solr, but just for search-lucene.com and search-hadoop.com, which are not related to this opening
  • Everything runs on AWS – we own a total of 2 physical servers

Products / Services you’d be building:

  • SPM – monitoring, alerting, anomaly detection.  A lot has been done, and a lot more is in the queue.
  • Logsene – log collection, indexing, searching, alerting, anomaly detection.  A lot of new features are waiting to be built.
  • Search Analytics – it works, it runs, it has customers, but there is so much more value we can extract from query and click data!
  • NewAppHere – can’t talk about it, but it’s going to be big… and not only in Japan

Good to have skills:

  • Java – for various backend components
  • JavaScript (frameworks/libraries) – if you’re truly full-stack
  • We can teach you or at least help you catch up quickly with everything else mentioned above as well as custom bits not mentioned here

A bit about Sematext:

  • HQ in NYC, with people in North America, Europe, and Asia
  • Developers with strong open-source backgrounds
  • Deep expertise in Solr and Elasticsearch – we are also a leading provider of consulting and support for tons of clients
  • Some of our engineers give talks at conferences around the world and write books
  • We are totally self-funded, financially independent, and profitable
  • Chirping via @sematext

Got more questions?  Send them our way!  Better yet, send your resume!

Solr vs. Elasticsearch — How to Decide?

by Otis Gospodnetić

[Otis is a Lucene, Solr, and Elasticsearch expert and co-author of “Lucene in Action” (1st and 2nd editions).  He is also the founder and CEO of Sematext. See full bio below.]

“Solr or Elasticsearch?”…well, at least that is the common question I hear from Sematext’s consulting services clients and prospects.  Which one is better, Solr or Elasticsearch?  Which one is faster?  Which one scales better?  Which one can do X, and Y, and Z?  Which one is easier to manage?  Which one should we use?  Which one do you recommend? etc., etc.

These are all great questions, though not always with clear and definite, universally applicable answers. So which one do we recommend you use? How do you choose in the end?  Well, let me share how I see Solr and Elasticsearch past, present, and future, let’s do a bit of comparing and contrasting, and hopefully help you make the right choice for your particular needs.


Early Days: Youth Vs. Experience

Apache Solr is a mature project with a large and active development and user community behind it, as well as the Apache brand.  First released to open-source in 2006, Solr has long dominated the search engine space and was the go-to engine for anyone needing search functionality.  Its maturity translates to rich functionality beyond vanilla text indexing and searching; such as faceting, grouping (aka field collapsing), powerful filtering, pluggable document processing, pluggable search chain components, language detection, etc.

Continue reading “Solr vs. Elasticsearch — How to Decide?”

Cassandra Case Study – including Performance Monitoring

If you use Cassandra you will find some interesting insights in this Planet Cassandra case study by Sematext client Recruiting.com.  Hitendra Pratap Singh, a Cassandra Software Engineer, talks about why they decided to deploy Cassandra, other NoSQL solutions they looked at, advice for new Cassandra users, and more.

Here’s an excerpt:

Monitoring Apache Cassandra with SPM

“We started using SPM Performance Monitoring and Reporting from Sematext for Apache Solr and were impressed with the amount of real-time stats we could analyze using SPM. We expected the same amount of details for Cassandra as well and decided to go with SPM.  Some of the benefits we’ve seen from SPM include the alert notification system, graphical interface [i.e. easy to analyze], detailed stats related to JVM, and creation of our own custom metrics.

We also utilize SPM for monitoring our deployments of Apache Solr and Memcached servers.”

On the “Overview” screen found below, you can check out some Cassandra metrics, as well as various OS metrics. Specific Cassandra metrics can be drilled down by clicking on one of the tabs along the left side; these metrics include: Compactions, Bloom Filter (space used, false positives ratio), Write Requests (rate, count, latency), Pending Read Operations (read requests, read repair tasks, compactions), and more.

SPM for Cassandra Overview  (click to enlarge)


You can read the full version of “Recruiting.com Powers Real-Time High Throughput Application with Apache Cassandra” at Planet Cassandra.

And if you’d like to monitor Cassandra yourself (or any number of applications like Hadoop, HBase, Spark, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Solr, etc.), check out a Free 30-day trial by registering here.  There’s no commitment and no credit card required.  You can also see our Cassandra monitoring blog post for more details and screenshots.

Poll Results: Kafka Producer/Consumer

About 10 days ago we ran a a poll about which languages/APIs people use when writing their Apache Kafka Producers and Consumers.  See Kafka Poll: Producer & Consumer Client.  We collected 130 votes so far.  The results were actually somewhat surprising!  Let’s share the numbers first!

Kafka Producer/Consumer Languages
Kafka Producer/Consumer Languages

What do you think?  Is that the breakdown you expected?  Here is what surprised us:

  • Java is the dominant language on the planet today, but less than 50% people use it with Kafka! Read: possible explanation for Java & Kafka.
  • Python is clearly popular and gaining in popularity, but at 13% it looks like it’s extra popular in Kafka context.
  • Go at 10-11% seems quite popular for a relatively young language.  One might expect Ruby to have more adoption here than Go because Ruby has been around much longer.
  • We put C/C++ in the poll because these languages are still in use, though we didn’t expect it to get 6% of votes.  However, considering C/C++ are still quite heavily used generally speaking, that’s actually a pretty low percentage.
  • JavaScript and NodeJS are surprisingly low at just 4%.  Any idea why?  Is the JavaScript Kafka API not up to date or bad or ….?
  • The “Other” category is relatively big, at a bit over 12%.  Did we forget some major languages people often use with Kafka?  Scala?  See info about the Kafka Scala API here.

Everyone and their cousin is using Kafka nowadays, or at least that’s what it looks like from where we at Sematext sit.  However, because of the relatively high percentage of people using Python and Go, we’d venture to say Kafka adoption is much stronger among younger, smaller companies, where Python and Go are used more than “enterprise languages”, like Java, C#, and C/C++.

Solr 5: Replication Throttling

With the release of Solr 5.0, the most recent major version of this great search server, we didn’t only get improvements and changes from the Lucene library.  Of course, we did get features like:

  • segments control sum
  • segments identifiers
  • Lucene using only classes from Java NIO.2 package to access files
  • lowered heap usage because of new Lucene50Codec

…but those features came from the Lucene core itself.  Solr introduced:

  • improved usability for start-up scripts
  • scripts for Linux service installation and running
  • distributed IDF calculation
  • ability to register new handlers using the API (with jar uploads)
  • replication throttling
  • …and so on

All of these features come with the first release of branch 5 of Solr, and we can expect even more from future releases — like cross data center replication! We want to start sharing what we know about those features and, today, we start with replication throttling.

Continue reading “Solr 5: Replication Throttling”

Use Case: Spark Performance Monitoring

Guest blog post by Nick Pentreath, Co-founder of Graphflow

Democratizing Recommendation Technology

At Graphflow, our mission is to empower online stores of all sizes to grow their businesses by providing them access to the same machine learning and Big Data tools used by the largest and most sophisticated tech players in the market.

To deliver on this mission, we decided from the very beginning to go ‘all in’ on Spark for our scalable analytics and machine learning applications. When Graphflow started using Spark, it was on version 0.7.0, and it was relatively immature. A lot has changed over the past year and a half: Spark has become a top-level Apache project, version 1.2.0 was released, and Spark has matured significantly in terms of functionality, deployment, stability, and operations.

Spark Monitoring

There are, however, still a few “missing pieces.”  Among these are robust and easy-to-use monitoring systems. With the version 1.0.0 release, Spark added a metrics system to allow reporting and monitoring of various internal and custom Spark application metrics. Built on top of Coda Hale’s Metrics, the metrics system supports various methods of reporting to external monitoring systems.

This is all very well, but being a very small team, we tend to rely on managed services wherever it makes sense — we just don’t have the resources to manage a dedicated monitoring infrastructure. We recently started using SPM (for monitoring, alerting, and anomaly detection) and Logsene (for our logs) — both from Sematext — across most of our systems, including EC2 metrics, Elasticsearch, and web application log collection and monitoring.

With the recent release of SPM for Spark monitoring, we definitely wanted to take it for a spin!

Getting up and Running

The installation process is straightforward:

  1. Install the SPM monitor on each node in the Spark cluster using the standard package manager.
  2. Amend `SPARK_MASTER_OPTS`, `SPARK_WORKER_OPTS`, and `SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTS` in `spark-env.sh` and `spark.executor.extraJavaOptions` in `spark-defaults.conf` on each node, with the appropriate config properties, including an SPM access key (don’t forget to propagate these config changes to each worker – we do this using *spark-ec2’s* `copy-dirs` command).
  3. Create or amend the metrics properties file `metrics.properties` to point to the JMX sink (by setting `*.sink.jmx.class=org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.JmxSink`).

Once all nodes are restarted, you should start seeing metrics appearing in the SPM dashboard within a few minutes.

The main dashboard provides a useful overview of what’s going on in the cluster. The detail tabs on the side allow you to drill down into more detailed metrics for the Master / Driver, and Workers / Executors, and, of course, all key JVM and server metrics.  We can also feed any custom metrics we want to chart into SPM, but we are not making use of that yet.


Spark Troubleshooting with SPM

Spark, being a complex distributed system, sometimes has issues. While these have become rarer with the past few releases — which have improved efficiency and stability significantly — they still happen. Probably the most common causes of failure (either of a Job, a Worker, or the Master) are related to memory pressure or misconfiguration.

As a case in point: on a number of days we were experiencing periodic job failures due to Workers going down. However, we were not seeing a precise cause in the logs. Since we had installed SPM for Spark, we took a look through a few of the metrics dashboards. At first, it was still not clear what might be causing the issue. However, we noticed that at the time of the failure, there was a big spike in CPU usage and, directly afterwards, the overall disk usage dropped off noticeably.



Once we drilled down from the aggregated metrics view (above) to the individual disk view, the root cause became clear – running out of disk space on the root device!



Sure enough, once we knew what to look for, we found that the Spark working directory on each Worker node had gotten clogged up with job logs and JARs.  We run a fairly large number of jobs on regular schedules (every 15 minutes, every hour, daily and so on), and each job caused more build up of these files in the working directory.

We had correctly set `spark.local.dir` to the large disk volume, but the default working directory is set to `$SPARK_HOME/work`. This setting can be changed with the environment variable `SPARK_WORKER_DIR` in `spark-env.sh`. We also turned on the ‘worker cleanup’ functionality by setting `spark.worker.cleanup.enabled true` in `spark-defaults.conf`. The Spark Standalone guide has more detail on these settings.

Everything in One Place

Using SPM, together with the Spark Web UI and its ability to keep history on previously run Spark applications, we’ve found that troubleshooting Spark performance issues has gotten much easier. On top of that, the ability to manage metrics, monitoring and logging across our entire stack in one place, as well as integrate log search and analytics for Spark, is a huge win for our team.

To learn more about us and our eCommerce and Recommendation Analytics solutions, visit the Graphflow web site.  And to learn more about SPM for Spark monitoring, check out Sematext.

Got some feedback or suggestions?  Drop Sematext a line — they’d love to hear from you!

Kafka Poll: Producer & Consumer Client

Kafka has become the de-facto standard for handling real-time streams in high-volume, data-intensive applications, and there are certainly a lot of those out there.  We thought it would be valuable to conduct a quick poll to find out which which implementation of Kafka Producers and Consumers people use – specifically, which programming languages do you use to produce and consume Kafka messages?

Please tweet this poll and help us spread the word, so we can get a good, statistically significant results.  We’ll publish the results here and via @sematext (follow us!) in a week.

NOTE #: If you choose “Other”, please leave a comment with additional info, so we can share this when we publish the results, too!

NOTE #2: The results are in! See http://blog.sematext.com/2015/01/28/kafka-poll-results-producer-consumer/

Please tweet this poll and help us spread the word, so we can get a good, statistically significant results.  We’ll publish the results hereand via @sematext (follow us!) in a week.

Custom Elasticsearch Index Templates in Logsene

One of the great things about Logsene, our log management tool, is that you don’t need to care about the back-end – you know, where you store your logs. You just pick a log shipper (here are Top 5 Log Shippers), point it to Logsene (here’s How to Send Logs to Logsene) and you are done. Logsene takes care of everything for you – your logs stop filling up your disk, you don’t have to worry about log compression and rotation, your logs get indexed so when you need to troubleshoot issues you have one place where you get see and search all your logs from all your applications, servers, and environments. This is all nice and dandy, but what if your logs are special and you want them analyzed in a specific way, and not the way Logsene’s predefined index templates and analysis work?  To handle such use cases we’ve recently made it possible for Logsene users to define how their logs are analyzed. Let’s look at an example.

Continue reading “Custom Elasticsearch Index Templates in Logsene”

Parsing and Centralizing Elasticsearch Logs with Logstash

No, it’s not an endless loop waiting to happen, the plan here is to use Logstash to parse Elasticsearch logs and send them to another Elasticsearch cluster or to a log analytics service like Logsene (which conveniently exposes the Elasticsearch API, so you can use it without having to run and manage your own Elasticsearch cluster).

If you’re looking for some ELK stack intro and you think you’re in the wrong place, try our 5-minute Logstash tutorial. Still, if you have non-trivial amounts of data, you might end up here again. Because you’ll probably need to centralize Elasticsearch logs for the same reasons you centralize other logs:

  • to avoid SSH-ing into each server to figure out why something went wrong
  • to better understand issues such as slow indexing or searching (via slowlogs, for instance)
  • to search quickly in big logs

In this post, we’ll describe how to use Logstash’s file input to tail the main Elasticsearch log and the slowlogs. We’ll use grok and other filters to parse different parts of those logs into their own fields and we’ll send the resulting structured events to Logsene/Elasticsearch via the elasticsearch output. In the end, you’ll be able to do things like slowlog slicing and dicing with Kibana:


TL;DR note: scroll down to the FAQ section for the whole config with comments.

Continue reading “Parsing and Centralizing Elasticsearch Logs with Logstash”

Integrating SPM Performance Monitoring with Slack

Many distributed DevOps teams rely on Slack,  a platform for team communication providing everything in one place, instantly searchable and available wherever you go.  SPM Performance Monitoring‘s new integration via WebHooks provides the capability to forward alerts to many services, including Slack.

The integration of both services can be achieved by using the WebHook URL from Slack and then configuring this WebHook in SPM.  The SPM Wiki explains how to get this information from Slack and build the WebHook in SPM: Alerts – Slack integration


This whole process only takes a minute or two.  Slack is a tool that is becoming more popular among the DevOps crowd, and here at Sematext we pride ourselves on staying on top of what our users need and expect.

Need some extra help with this setup or another app you might want to integrate?  Have ideas for other integrations we should explore? Please drop us a line, we’re here to help and listen.