Video and Presentation: Indexing and Searching Logs with Elasticsearch or Solr

Interested in log indexing using Elasticsearch or Solr?  Also interested in searching and analyzing logs in real time?

This topic really hits home for us since we released our log analytics tool, Logsene and we also offer consulting services for logging infrastructure.  If you are reading this and looking for a new opportunity then you might be interested to hear that we are hiring worldwide.

If you are into logging like we are, then you will want to check out this presentation delivered by Sematext’s own Radu Gheorghe to the NYC Search, Discovery and Analytics Meetup held recently at Pivotal Labs.  For the purposes of this presentation the term “logs” ranges from server logs and application events to metrics and even social media information.

The presentation has three parts:

  1. Overview of logging tools that play nicely with Elasticseach and Solr (like Logstash, Apache Flume or rsyslog)
  2. Performance tuning and scaling Elasticsearch and Solr
  3. Demo of an end-to-end solution

Here you go – enjoy!

Announcement: Coming Up in Site Search Analytics

Have you checked out Site Search Analytics yet?  If not, and if you think that gaining insight into user search behavior and experience is valuable information, then we’ve got something for you that’s battle-tested and ready to go.

This year we are adding some killer new features that will make SSA even more useful.  So, if you want to be enjoying benefits like:

  • Viewing real-time graphs showing search and click-through rates
  • Awareness of your top queries, top zero-hit queries, most seen and clicked on hits, etc.
  • Having a mechanism to perform search relevance A/B tests and a relevance feedback mechanism
  • Not having to develop, set up, manage or scale all the infrastructure needed for query and click log analysis
  • And many others — here is a full list of features and benefits

…then you will love the new functionality we have on the way.  After all, how can you improve search quality if you don’t measure it first and keep track of it?

Site Search Analytics
Site Search Analytics

Sound interesting?  Then check out a live demo.  SSA is 100% focused on helping you to improve the search experience of your customers and prospects.  And a better search experience translates into more traffic to your web site and greater awareness of your business.

JOB: Professional Services Lead – Solr and Elasticsearch

We have a great opportunity at Sematext for a person who wants to take the Professional Services Lead role and grow both him/herself in this role as well as grow the whole Professional Services side of the house.  The person in this role will get to learn all aspects of the business from engineering, to speaking with numerous clients and customers, to working with remote team members, even touching on sales and marketing.  This position offers a truly multifaceted view into Sematext and the space that Sematext is in, which is a rich blend of search, big data, analytics, open source, products, services, engineering, support, etc.  The ideal candidate would already be in New York, where Sematext HQ is located, but we are open to people from other locations as well.

• Experience working with Solr or Elasticsearch
• Plan and coordinate customer engagements from business and technical perspective
• Identify customer pain points, needs, and success criteria at the onset of each engagement
• Provide expert-level consulting and support services and strive to be a trustworthy advisor to a wide range of customers
• Resolve complex search issues involving Solr or Elasticsearch
• Identify opportunities to provide customers with additional value through our products or services
• Communicate high-value use cases and customer feedback to our Product teams
• Participate in open source community by contributing bug fixes, improvements, answering questions, etc.

• BS or higher in Engineering or Computer Science preferred
• 2 or more years of IT Consulting and/or Professional Services experience required
• Exposure to other related open source projects (Hadoop, Nutch, Kafka, Storm, Mahout, etc.) a plus
• Experience with other commercial and open source search technologies a plus
• Enterprise Search, eCommerce, and/or Business Intelligence experience a plus
• Experience working in a startup a plus

Interested? Please send your resume to

For other job openings please see Jobs @ Sematext or even our previous job listings.

Announcement: Percentiles added to SPM

In the spirit of continuous improvement, we are happy to announce that percentiles have recently been added to SPM’s arsenal of measurement tools.  Percentiles provide more accurate statistics than averages, and users are able to see 50%, 95% and 99% percentiles for specific metrics and set both regular threshold-based as well as anomaly detection alerts.  We will go more into the details about how the percentiles are computed in another post, but for now we want to put the word out and show some of the related graphs — click on them to enlarge them.  Enjoy!

Elasticsearch – Request Rate and Latency


Garbage Collectors Time


Kafka – Flush Time


Kafka – Fetch/Produce Latency 1


Kafka – Fetch/Produce Latency 2


Solr Req. Rate and Latency 1


Solr – Req. Rate and Latency 2


If you enjoy performance monitoring, log analytics, or search analytics, working with projects like Elasticsearch, Solr, HBase, Hadoop, Kafka, Storm, we’re hiring planet-wide!

Meetup: Indexing and Searching Logs with Elasticsearch and Solr

If you are into logging and search like we are, and if you are in New York, like some of us are, come to Indexing and Searching Logs with Elasticsearch and Solr on Wednesday at Pivotal Labs office in Manhattan.