Announcement: Logsene 0.3

SPM was not the only one being released this week.  Logsene, our machine/application log and data analytics/exploration solution saw a release as well!  Let’s see what’s new in Logsene:

  • Like SPM, Logsene got a new  “native” Logsene UI to complement its existing Kibana UI.  Those who are looking for something simpler than Kibana or are not Kibana fans (such people do exist, apparently!) may prefer this new, simpler UI reminiscent of older versions of Kibana better.
  • We’ve put a lot of new info up on Logsene Wiki, including how to send logs to Logsene with Logstash, how to send logs to Logsene via Syslog (syslogs/syslog-ng/rsyslog), and of course directly via Logsene’s Elasticsearch API.
  • We’ve also published info about searching Logsene via Elasticsearch API, as well as searching with Kibana.
  • You know how when you are troubleshooting application issues and are asking for help on public mailing lists people often ask you to share your logs so they can help you more?  You can now do that from Logsene!  You can select any number of your log events by clicking on them in Logsene’s new UI and publish them anonymously to Github Gist (see a short video)!  Once you do that you can share the Gist URL with anyone you want, such as your team or people offering their help on some mailing list.  In the upcoming release(s) we’ll let you specify you username if you want to share non-anonymously.  Do you want us to support sharing logs via any other service other than Github Gist?  Pastie?  Pastebin?  Something else?  Leave a comment!
  • Just like you can select logs and “gist them”, you can export logs from Logsene in CSV format.  If you’ve always wanted to import your logs in Excel, now is your chance!
  • You know how you can search Google using syntax like +requiredTerm -excludedTerm “phrase query” and such?  You can use this flexible search syntax with Logsene now.  As a matter of fact, you can use the complete Lucene search syntax in Logsene now.
  • If you are like a lot of people out there who repeatedly run the same set of queries against their logs, you’ll appreciate the new Saved Queries functionality.  Like the same implies, Saved Queries you type in a query, save it, and re-run it later on without having to remember or retype it again.

If you enjoy performance monitoring, log analytics, or search analytics, working with projects like Elasticsearch, Solr, HBase, Hadoop, Kafka, Storm, we’re hiring planet-wide!

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