Job: Head of Marketing @ Sematext

Sematext is 100% engineers and there are about 10 of us now (and we are looking for more great engineers to join us!).  Together, we’ve built several exciting products – from smaller, search-focused products that work with Solr and Elasticsearch, to larger ones like SPM, Search Analytics, and most recently Logsene.  While not building products and running services, we help organizations world-wide with their search – from fixing issues and providing production support to building complex search systems from scratch.  Our client list is long with a number of household names on it – from Instagram (Facebook) and Tumblr (Yahoo), Etsy and Shutterstock, to The BBC, Elsevier, Lockheed Martin, Reuters, Library of Congress, etc.  We did this without raising any money.  To date, virtually all of our business came to us without us doing much real marketing – fama volat in action.  So how much better could we be as an organization if we actually put some effort into marketing our products and services?  How about if we put in not just “some effort”, but get serious about it?

That is why we are now looking for a Head of Marketing to join our team and kick things up a notch or three.  This is a ground floor opportunity that’s perfect for a driven individual looking to define, build, and lead the marketing side of the organization.

We are looking for a person who has the following qualities:

  • Is enthusiastic, positive, responsible, professional
  • Understands performance monitoring, search, or analytics space
  • Has experience with buzz and demand generation
  • Has experience with marketing enterprise software or professional services
  • Is analytical and strategic thinker
  • Is driven and independent
  • Is a good written and oral communicator
  • Can connect with thought leaders, journalists, partners, and others

This position offers a lot of independence, learning, and growth.  It does not require travel, but does offer the opportunity for it.

If this sounds like a good match for you, please get in touch and let’s talk.

You may also want to read about 19 things you may like about Sematext.

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