ElasticSearch & Solr Book Giveaway at Berlin Buzzwords

We’ve given away all 3 free Berlin Buzzwords tickets, but we have more stuff to give away.  Stop by our desk at Berlin Buzzwords, say hello, and one of these could be yours to take home:

Solr 4 Cookbook
Solr 4 Cookbook

or perhaps

ElasticSearch Server
ElasticSearch Server


And don’t miss our 2 talks in Berlin this year!

Announcing Hadoop Monitoring in SPM

Take it from one of the must trusted names from the world of Hadoop and HBase, as well as one of the friendliest people you’ll encounter on the Hadoop conference circuit, Lars George from Cloudera:

Hadoop Club Monitoring

We’re happy to announce the immediate availability of SPM for Hadoop (see Sneak Peek: Hadoop Monitoring comes to SPM for some screenshots).  With the latest SPM release Hadoop joins Apache Solr, Apache HBase, ElasticSearch, Sensei, and the JVM as the list of technologies you can monitor with SPM. With  SPM for Hadoop you go from zero to seeing all key metrics for your Hadoop cluster metrics in just a few minutes.  Included in the reports are metrics for both HDFS and MapReduce – metrics for NameNode, JobTracker, TaskTracker, and DataNode are all included along with all the default server metrics.  The YARN version of Hadoop is also supported and includes metrics for NodeManager, ResourceManager, etc.

Don’t forget that SPM monitoring agent can run as in-process agent, as well as in standalone mode (i.e., as an external process).  Running in the standalone mode means you may not have to restart various daemons of your existing Hadoop cluster that you want to monitor (assuming you already enabled JMX), so you can quickly get to your Hadoop metrics without interrupting anything!

What else would you like us to monitor?  Please select your candidates!

Structured Logging with Rsyslog and Elasticsearch

As more and more organizations are starting to use our Performance Monitoring and Search Analytics services, we have more and more logs from various components that make up these applications.  So what do we do?  Do we just keep logging everything to files, rotating them, and grepping them when we need to troubleshoot something?  There must be something better we can do!  And indeed, there is – so much so, that we’ll soon be launching Logsene – a Log Analytics service to complement SPM.  When your applications generate a lot of logs, you’d probably want to make some sense of them by searching and/or statistics. Here’s when structured logging comes in handy, and I would like to share some thoughts and configuration examples of how you could use a popular syslog daemon like rsyslog to handle both structured and unstructured logs. Then I’m going to look at how you can take those logs, format them in JSON, and index them with Elasticsearch – for some fast and easy searching and statistics.  If you are going to Berlin Buzzwords this year and you are into logging, Logstash, ElasticSearch, or Kibana, I’ll be talking about them in my JSON logging with ElasticSearch presentation.

On structured logging

If we take an unstructured log message, like:

Joe bought 2 apples

And compare it with a similar one in JSON, like:

{"name": "Joe", "action": "bought", "item": "apples", "quantity": 2}

We can immediately spot a couple of advantages and disadvantages of structured logging:
if we index these logs, it will be faster and more precise to search for “apples” in the “item” field, rather than in the whole document. At the same time, the structured log will take up more space than the unstructured one.

But in most use-cases there will be more applications that would log the same subset of fields. So if you want to search for the same user across those applications, it’s nice to be able to pinpoint the “name” field everywhere. And when you add statistics, like who’s the user buying most of our apples, that’s when structured logging really becomes useful.

Finally, it helps to have a structure when it comes to maintenance. If a new version of the application adds a new field, and your log becomes:

Joe bought 2 red apples

it might break some log-parsing, while structured logs rarely suffer from the same problem.

Enter CEE and Lumberjack: structured logging within syslog

With syslog, as defined by RFC3164, there is already a structure in the sense that there’s a priority value (severity*8 + facility), a header (timestamp and hostname) and a message. But this usually isn’t the structure we’re looking for.

CEE and Lumberjack are efforts to introduce structured logging to syslog in a backwards-compatible way. The process is quite simple: in the message part of the log, one would start with a cookie string “@cee:”, followed by an optional space and then a JSON or XML. From this point on I will talk about JSON, since it’s the format that both rsyslog and Elasticsearch prefer. Here’s a sample CEE-enhanced syslog message:

@cee: {"foo": "bar"}

This makes it quite easy to use CEE-enhanced syslog with existing syslog libraries, although there are specific libraries like liblumberlog, which make it even easier. They’ve also defined a list of standard fields, and applications should use those fields where they’re applicable – so that you get the same field names for all applications. But the schema is free, so you can add custom fields at will.

CEE-enhanced syslog with rsyslog

rsyslog has a module named mmjsonparse for handling CEE-enhanced syslog messages. It checks for the “CEE cookie” at the beginning of the message, and then tries to parse the following JSON. If all is well, the fields from that JSON are loaded and you can then use them in templates to extract whatever information seems important. Fields from your JSON can be accessed like this: $!field-name. An example of how they can be used is shown here.

To get started, you need to have at least rsyslog version 6.6.0, and I’d recommend using version 7 or higher. If you don’t already have that, check out Adiscon’s repositories for RHEL/CentOS and Ubuntu.

Also, mmjsonparse is not enabled by default. If you use the repositories, install the rsyslog-mmjsonparse package. If you compile rsyslog from sources, specify –enable-mmjsonparse when you run the configure script. In order for that to work you’d probably have to install libjson and liblognorm first, depending on your operating system.

For a proof of concept, we can take this config:

#load needed modules
module(load="imuxsock") # provides support for local system logging
module(load="imklog") # provides kernel logging support
module(load="mmjsonparse") #for parsing CEE-enhanced syslog messages

#try to parse structured logs

#define a template to print field "foo"
template(name="justFoo" type="list") {
    constant(value="\n") #we'll separate logs with a newline

#and now let's write the contents of field "foo" in a file

To see things, better, you can start rsyslog in foreground and in debug mode:

rsyslogd -dn

And in another terminal, you can send a structured log, then see the value in your file:

# logger '@cee: {"foo":"bar"}'
# cat /var/log/foo

If we send an unstructured log, or an invalid JSON, nothing will be added

# logger 'test'
# logger '@cee: test2'
# cat /var/log/foo

But you can see in the debug output of rsyslog why:

mmjsonparse: no JSON cookie: 'test'
mmjsonparse: toParse: ' test2'
mmjsonparse: Error parsing JSON ' test2': boolean expected

Indexing logs in Elasticsearch

To index our logs in Elasticsearch, we will use an output module of rsyslog called omelasticsearch. Like mmjsonparse, it’s not compiled by default, so you will have to add the –enable-elasticsearch parameter to the configure script to get it built when you run make. If you use the repositories, you can simply install the rsyslog-elasticsearch package.

omelasticsearch expects a valid JSON from your template, to send it via HTTP to Elasticsearch. You can select individual fields, like we did in the previous scenario, but you can also select the JSON part of the message via the $!all-json property. That would produce the message part of the log, without the “CEE cookie”.

The configuration below should be good for inserting the syslog message to an Elasticsearch instance running on localhost:9200, under the index “system” and type “events“. These are the default options, and you can take a look at this tutorial if you need some info on changing them.

#load needed modules
module(load="imuxsock") # provides support for local system logging
module(load="imklog") # provides kernel logging support
module(load="mmjsonparse") #for parsing CEE-enhanced syslog messages
module(load="omelasticsearch") #for indexing to Elasticsearch

#try to parse a structured log

#define a template to print all fields of the message
template(name="messageToES" type="list") {

#write the JSON message to the local ES node

After restarting rsyslog, you can see your JSON will be indexed:

# logger '@cee: {"foo": "bar", "foo2": "bar2"}'
# curl -XPOST localhost:9200/system/events/_search?q=foo2:bar2 2>/dev/null | sed s/.*_source//
" : { "foo": "bar", "foo2": "bar2" }}]}}

As for unstructured logs, $!all-json will produce a JSON with a field named “msg”, having the message as a value:

# logger test
# curl -XPOST localhost:9200/system/events/_search?q=test 2>/dev/null | sed s/.*_source//
" : { "msg": "test" }}]}}

It’s “msg” because that’s rsyslog’s property name for the syslog message.

Including other properties

But the message isn’t the only interesting property. I would assume most would want to index other information, like the timestamp, severity, or host which generated that message.

To do that, one needs to play with templates and properties. In the future it might be made easier, but at the time of this writing (rsyslog 7.2.3), you need to manually craft a valid JSON to pass it to omelasticsearch. For example, if we want to add the timestamp and the syslogtag, a working template might look like this:

template(name="customTemplate" type="list") {
 #- open the curly brackets,
 #- add the timestamp field surrounded with quotes
 #- add the colon which separates field from value
 #- open the quotes for the timestamp itself
 #- add the timestamp from the log,
 # format it in RFC-3339, so that ES detects it by default
     property(name="timereported" dateFormat="rfc3339")
 #- close the quotes for timestamp,
 #- add a comma, then the syslogtag field in the same manner
 #- now the syslogtag field itself
 # and format="json" will ensure special characters
 # are escaped so they won't break our JSON
     property(name="syslogtag" format="json")
 #- close the quotes for syslogtag
 #- add a comma
 #- then add our JSON-formatted syslog message,
 # but start from the 2nd position to omit the left
 # curly bracket
     property(name="$!all-json" position.from="2")


If you’re interested in searching or analyzing lots of logs, structured logging might help. And you can do it with the existing syslog libraries, via CEE-enhanced syslog. If you use a newer version of rsyslog, you can parse these logs with mmjsonparse and index them in Elasticsearch with omelasticsearch.  If you want to use Logsene, it will consume your structured logs as described in this post.

Berlin Buzzwords 2013 – Free Tickets

Sematext is a Berlin Buzzwords sponsor for the 3rd year in a row and we have three free tickets to give away.  If you are a Sematext follower, a client, an SPM or Search Analytics user, of Logsene beta tester, or simply want to go to Berlin to listen to our talks or any other talks about large scale search, storage, data analytics, NoSQL, BigData, and a few other buzzwords, we are giving away 3 free Berlin Buzzwords tickets. Get in touch!

Poll Results: Hadoop YARN vs. pre-YARN

Back in April 2013 there was a poll in Hadoop Users LinkedIn group:

YARN or pre-YARN – which version of Hadoop are you using?

Because we were working on adding Hadoop monitoring to SPM, this was an important question for us – which version of Hadoop should SPM be able to monitor?

Here are the results of that poll:

Hadoop MRv1 vs. Hadoop YARN
Hadoop MRv1 vs. Hadoop YARN

As we can see, most Hadoop users are still using the old version of Hadoop and are not using YARN.  The percentage in the “YARN” bar at the top is partially hidden, but it’s 13% — only 13% of Hadoop users who responded are using Hadoop YARN.  But combine it with 17% of people who said they are moving to YARN, it’s 30% all together.  Still only about 1/2 of the total number of Hadoop MRv1 users, but if we asked that question in early 2014 we would likely see a close tie.

So which version of Hadoop are we supporting in SPM?  Both!  With SPM you can monitor both Hadoop MRv1 and Hadoop YARN.  And if you are using pre-YARN Hadoop today and want to switch to Hadoop YARN later, that’s not a problem for SPM.

Berlin Buzzwords 2013 – Two Talks from Sematext

Last year at Berlin Buzzwords we were proud to give three talks. Alex talked about “Real-time Analytics with HBase” (slides, video), Otis talked about large scale monitoring in his talked titled “Large Scale ElasticSearch, Solr & HBase Performance Monitoring” (slides, video) and Rafał gave a talk about how we scale ElasticSearch clusters in his “Scaling Massive ElasticSearch Clusters” talk (slides, video). We were also very happy to be one of the sponsors of this great conference 🙂 Because we really enjoyed the conference we decided to submit a few proposals this year and they got accepted. In this years schedule we will be giving the following talks:

Radu: JSON Logging with ElasticSearch

This talk is about aggregating loooots of logs – searching of seriously big data. We’ll go through everything we can possibly go through in 20 minutes. We’ll look at how, where, when, why, and what to log. We’ll show how to use Elasticsearch as a data store for logs and what the benefits of doing so are. We’ll discuss advantages and disadvantages of logging in JSON, which is easily processed by machines, over traditional logging, which is easily processed by humans. Finally, we’ll explore how you can get your logs – JSON or not – into Elasticsearch, run searches and statistics on them, and create pretty graphs you can’t stop staring at.

Rafał: Battle of the Giants, Round 2


Learn about how both of these great enterprise search servers are evolving and adding new features. We will be comparing the latest and greatest versions of Solr and ES, both of which are using Lucene 4.x and bringing different approaches to handling codecs, per field similarities, and more. Of course, we’ll not only look at technical aspects of both Apache Solr and ElasticSearch, but will also dig into the makeup of their contributors, compare the code and of course the user community. By the end of the talk you’ll learn the main differences when it comes to these two search servers, how they handle shard and replica distribution, automatic data replication, and different query types. In addition, you’ll learn what the admin APIs for both Solr and ElasticSearch look like and how to use them to control and alter your cluster state. Last, but not least, you’ll learn what to avoid when using ElasticSearch or Apache Solr.

[Note: for those of you who don’t have the time or inclination to go through all the technical details, here’s a high-level, up-to-date (2015) Solr vs. Elasticsearch overview]

We hope to see some of you in Berlin.  If these topics are of interest to you, but you won’t be coming to Berlin, feel free to get in touch, leave comments, or ping @sematext. As usual we’ll be posting slides after the talks and the organizers will probably record the talk and publish it after the conference. And if you love working with things our talks are about, we are hiring world-wide!