HBaseWD and HBaseHUT: Handy HBase Libraries Available in Public Maven Repo

HBaseWD is aimed to help distribute writes of records with sequential row keys in HBase (and avoid RegionServer hotspotting). Good introduction can be found here.

We recently published 0.1.0 version of the library to Sonatype public maven repository. Thus, integration in your project became much easier:

      <id>sonatype release</id>

HBaseHUT is aimed to help in situations when you need to update a lot of records in HBase in read-modify-write style. Good introduction can be found here.

We recently published 0.1.0 version of this library to Sonatype public maven repository too. Integration info:

      <id>sonatype release</id>

For running (MR jobs) on hadoop-2.0+ (which is a part of CDH4.1+) use 0.1.0-hadoop-2.0 version:


Thank you to all contributors and users of the libraries!

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