Slides: Battle of the Giants – Solr 4.0 vs ElasticSearch 0.20.0

[Note: for those of you who don’t have the time or inclination to go through all the technical details, here’s a high-level, up-to-date (2015) Solr vs. Elasticsearch overview]

Slides for the Battle of the Giants talk Rafał Kuc (@kucrafal) gave at ApacheCon EU 2012 are now up!

If you like working with Solr and/or ElasticSearch, or HBase, Hadoop, Kafka, Flume, etc., use and/or develop highly scalable distributed applications and frameworks, if you like to work on Analytics and Big Data applications and services, we’re looking for good, smart, and fun people!

And if you liked the above presentation, you may also want read our ElasticSearch vs. Solr series and see Scaling Massive ElasticSearch Clusters.

2 thoughts on “Slides: Battle of the Giants – Solr 4.0 vs ElasticSearch 0.20.0”

  1. Pointing out slight Elasticsearch mistakes in the slides:
    * Single Leader: There is a single master in the cluster, but there is a single shard elected (primary) per shard replication group.
    * Certain caches are limited on elasticsearch side. For example, the filter cache is limited, by default, to 20% of the head allocated. Field cache is not limited, would argue that its not a good idea to evict those as they are very expensive to load.
    * Filtering can be applied to facets, by placing them in filtered queries.

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