Slides: Scaling Massive ElasticSearch Clusters

We are done with a 2-days long Berlin Buzzwords conference.  The conference was good, a success for both the organizers and for Sematext – we saw a ton of interest for both our Performance Monitoring and Search Analytics services and our talks were well received and attended by 200+ people each.  Between the presentations we gave, talking to people interested in our products and/or services, as well as people expressing interest in joining Sematext (ask us how much fun we had in Berlin!), even with 5 Sematextans around we had our hands full.

Note: we are actively looking for people with strong interest and/or experience with ElasticSearch, Solr, and search in general.  If that’s you, please get in touch.

Below are the slides from Rafal’s talk about scaling Elastic Search:

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