ActionGenerator, Part One

In this post we’ll introduce you to ActionGenerator, one of several open source projects we are working on. ActionGenerator lets you generate actions (you can also think of actions as events) from an action sources and play those actions with ActionGenerator’s action player to one of the sinks. The rest is done by ActionGenerator. ActionGenerator comes with several action sources and sinks, but one can easily implement custom action sources and sinks and play them with ActionGenerator. Let’s dig into the details.

Continue reading “ActionGenerator, Part One”

Slides: Large Scale Performance Monitoring for ElasticSearch, HBase, Solr, SenseiDB…

In this presentation from Berlin Buzzwords 2012 we show how the SPM, our Performance Monitoring service is built.  How metrics are collected, how they are processed, and how they are presented.  We share a few findings along the way, too.

Note: we are actively looking for people with strong Java engineers. If that’s you, please get in touch. Separately, if you have interest and/or experience with HBase and/or Analytics, OLAP, and related areas, or  if you are looking to work with ElasticSearch, Solr, and search in general please get in touch, too.


See also:

Slides: Real-time Analytics with HBase

Here are slides from another talk we gave at both Berlin Buzzwords and at HBaseCon in San Francisco last month.  In this presentation  Alex describes one approach to real-time analytics with HBase, which we use at Sematext via HBaseHUT.   If you like these slides you will also like HBase Real-time Analytics Rollbacks via Append-based Updates.

Note: we are actively looking for people with strong interest and/or experience with HBase and/or Analytics, OLAP, etc.  If that’s you, please get in touch.

The short version is from Buzzwords, while the version with more slides is from HBaseCon:

Slides: Scaling Massive ElasticSearch Clusters

We are done with a 2-days long Berlin Buzzwords conference.  The conference was good, a success for both the organizers and for Sematext – we saw a ton of interest for both our Performance Monitoring and Search Analytics services and our talks were well received and attended by 200+ people each.  Between the presentations we gave, talking to people interested in our products and/or services, as well as people expressing interest in joining Sematext (ask us how much fun we had in Berlin!), even with 5 Sematextans around we had our hands full.

Note: we are actively looking for people with strong interest and/or experience with ElasticSearch, Solr, and search in general.  If that’s you, please get in touch.

Below are the slides from Rafal’s talk about scaling Elastic Search: