Internships at Sematext in 2012

Enthusiastic students world-wide interested in the following (and related) areas are invited to get in touch if interested in an internship position at Sematext:

  • Search / Information Retrieval
  • Data Analytics (not limited to Search Analytics)
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Mining
  • Text Analytics
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Information Gathering
  • Information Extraction
  • Distributed and Parallel Computing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Performance Monitoring
The above topics represent our areas of interest, business, or expertise, but are open to other subject areas as well.
Sematext HQ is in Brooklyn, NY, USA, but we are a very geographically distributed organization whose members are spread over several countries and continents.  As such, we welcome students from all across the globe.  Students in or near New York are welcome to spend time in our space, while others are welcome to do the internship remotely.  We have an existing and fruitful relationship with an academic institution in Europe and are not new to working with students remotely.  Internship positions are available year-round, but are subject to student demand and our capacity.  Key technologies we work with are listed on our Technology page, some of our past clients are on our Clients page, and some of our open source projects are described on our well-hidden Open Source Projects page.

9 thoughts on “Internships at Sematext in 2012”

    1. We give massages to all students, wine them and dine them, take them to museums, movies, buy drinks, toys, food, etc. etc. 😉

  1. Remote internship? I’m kind of skeptical about it … could you please describe how the remote internship work?

    1. @Marco No need to be so skeptical. At Sematext we do most of our work with customers remotely and our team is completely distributed. I’m replying to you from Hong Kong, for example, while Skyping with one of Sematext engineers in Poland and emailing with clients in California), and we (Sematext people from New York and Montreal) have collaborated with a University in Southern Europe and helped a student who worked on a data mining project. It looks like you are in Italy. We are actually discussing some R&D work around Semantic Search and working with students with a researcher on the other side of your country – Northern Italy. It can be done! 🙂 Ciao.

  2. Hello sir this is Deepesh, I’m a Microsoft Student Partner, MCITP-DBA in MSSQL Server and been working with Azure for a while could you tell me what skillset are you looking for exactly?

    1. Deepesh, since you mention Microsoft and their technologies, I feel like we should say that we are not at all a Microsoft shop and cannot be of help to students who want or can only work with Microsoft technologies.

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