Sematext at Berlin Buzzwords 2011

As part of Sematext’s Summer 2011 Conference Tour we are going to be visiting the good old Europe and giving a talk at Berlin Buzzwords.  This is the second year for Berlin Buzzwords, “a conference for developers and users of open source software projects, focusing on the issues of scalable search, data-analysis in the cloud and NoSQL-databases. Berlin Buzzwords presents more than 30 talks and presentations of international speakers specific to the three tags “search”, “store” and “scale”“.  Last year, one of us from Sematext went there as an attendee.  This year, three of us are going and one of us is giving a talk – @OtisG will be speaking about Search Analytics on June 6th.  That’s the first day of the conference and we are first in line to talk at 11:00 AM, right after the morning coffee.  Doug Cutting and Ted Dunning will be giving Keynotes.  Some of us may also be there for some of the Hackathons/Workshops before and/or after the conference.  If you are going to be there and would like to meet up, please let us know@sematext.

For more information on this topic read about Sematext Search Analytics service.

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