Training: Solr Performance Tuning and Monitoring

Quick announcement!

In addition to presenting at Open Source Search Conference in June, we’ll also be doing a super-cheap half-day training on Solr Performance Tuning & Monitoring.  You can sign up here.

In this tutorial you will learn how to squeeze the most performance out of your Solr cluster. We’ll cover performance at both indexing and query time; dealing with large volumes of data versus high query rates, the combination of the two; and various index sharding architectures possible to gain on search performance, in multi-data center setups, etc. We’ll cover an array of best practices, tips and tricks we regularly use in our engagements with clients, from various configuration settings to querying efficiently, all of which one should employ to get the most out of Solr. You will also learn how to monitor your Solr cluster’s performance with command-line tools and a visual monitoring solution specifically designed for Solr performance monitoring.


Basic knowledge of Solr, its configuration and setup.


  • Cost: $100
  • When: June 14, 2011, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
  • Bonus: Lunch will be provided.
  • Register here

If you are interested in Solr Performance Monitoring, please read about Sematext Scalable Performance Monitoring service.

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