Solr Digest, January 2011

Welcome to the second season of Sematext’s monthly Solr Digests. Once again, we compiled a list of most interesting topics in Solr world for the previous month:

Already committed features

  • A bug related to using PHPSerialized response writer in sharded environment was fixed and committed in SOLR-2307. It affected all recent Solr versions (trunk, 3_x, 1.4.1,…) and the fix is committed to 3_x branch and trunk. In case you’re stuck with older version of Solr, you can manually try applying the patch, it should be doable.
  • One old JIRA issue Enable sorting by Function Query is finally closed and committed to 3_x and trunk.
  • A problem with race condition in StreamingUpdateSolrServer got its fixes before, however it appears that issue wasn’t fixed completely. Now another fix is committed to 3_x and trunk, so if you use this feature, we advise picking up the fix.

Interesting features in development

  • Support for complex syntax (e.g. wildcards) in phrase queries is being brought to Lucene. In case you’re interested, you can take a look at LUCENE-1823 or LUCENE-1486 which was another try at similar functionality. These issues have been in development for a long time and still aren’t finished, although patches exist. Similar feature for Solr is developed under SOLR-1604, where you can also find some patches. However, we think it is a bit unclear if any of these issues will ever be committed to Lucene/Solr, so if you’re interested, check the progress on them occasionally and don’t hold your breath.

Interesting new features


And that’s all for January.