Solr Digest, November 2010

It is time for the last Solr Digest of 2010; the next Digest will be published some time in January 2011. This was not a month with too many interesting developments, so here we bring to your attention only the few more interesting bits. Here we go…

Already committed features

  • Anyone working with Polish language will be happy to hear that factory for Polish stemmer is committed to 3_x and trunk.

Interesting features in development


  • A fix for a feature that was committed earlier this year – Enable sorting by Function Query – is close to being committed. This is big one!  There were some problems with it: functions weren’t weighted, function query wasn’t being properly parsed, some deprecated bits of code were used, etc. Patch is already posted, so if you are eager to use this functionality you can start by applying the patch yourself.
  • Many people are using Spatial Search features recently introduced in Solr. If you’re considering that too, be careful about one limitation: there is no Spatial support for multi-valued fields. So, if you have multi-valued spatial fields and you’d like to do some sorting on them, you’ll end up with incorrect results. The feature we’re describing here can be found in some other search tools, though, like Elastic Search, so Solr might be getting it too some day. You can check if there is some progress with this in JIRA issues like SOLR-2154
  • There is a major bug in DataImportHandler – it doesn’t release JDBC connections. It appears that this issue isn’t related to any particular database, so this is an obvious bug in DIH. Check this JIRA issue for updates.
  • If you prefer git over svn, you might be interested in Solr’s git repository recently set up. Check this ML thread to learn more about it.

So long until 2011, Solr Digest readers!  Follow @sematext on Twitter for other stuff from Sematext.

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