Lucene Digest, March 2010

Welcome to another edition of the Lucene monthly Digest post.

As reported by @lucene, Lucene and Solr have merged.  This pretty big change didn’t happen over night.  As a matter of fact, the Lucene/Solr developers went through a pretty intense and heated discussion and several rounds of voting before deciding on this.  The decision was not unanimous.  If you feel like reading the lengthy discussions, you can find it all on  The discussions took place on general@lucene list.  Happy reading!  We should note that the upcoming Lucene Meetup will include an explanation of Lucene/Solr merger.

This is not the only big change that happened in Luceneland this month.  There is a whole series of similar changes in various states:

  • Tika is going TLP (Top Level Project in Apache Software Foundation parlance).  You can see the brief discussion followed by the unanimous voting.
  • Mahout is also going TLP.  That discussion already happened last month and some more non-interesting details were discussed this month.  In short, Mahout is getting out of Lucene and becoming its own TLP.
  • The Nutch TLP discussion has been started, but no conclusions have been reached.  Nutch needs more love and attention.

By the time we publish the Lucene April Digest the Lucene landscape may look quite different.  We’ll make sure to update you on what happened, what went where, and how things are going to look in the future.  Got questions or suggestions?  Please leave them in comments and thank you for reading.

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